A lot of good stuff here that I can really relate to!MerrieMiss wrote: ↑Thu May 10, 2018 10:27 am I'm sorry. I think my dad is kind of where you are. I wonder if he ever made a spreadsheet? My siblings are all grown up and gone, but my nephews are teenagers, so there are ordinances, a mission soon, marriages come soon after that, my kids' baptisms, and then their ordinances, missions, marriages, more baby blessings...and then death I guess. It's not a very pleasant way of looking at it.
There just isn't a good time. And if I am honest with myself, there wasn't a good time to have a faith crisis either, it just kind of happened regardless of what was going on in my life. Although having one at twenty would have been a hell of a lot better than after I was married and had kids.
I'm in a tough spot right now. I was going to come clean with my husband because I just couldn't take it anymore and I really need to step back. And now I don't know if I can because it would be one extra thing on him when there's some really big stuff going on. But here's the thing: I'm dealing with real life right now too, AND I'm keeping this stupid mormon thing all bottled up inside. While I'm trying to be so considerate of my husband, who is being considerate about me? It's time for some serious self care.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that as much as we try to make it easy on the people around us (and I'm going to anthropomorphize faith crises here), no person's faith crisis cared whether it was a good timing or not and the mormons in our lives don't care how we feel so long as they get to go on pretending everything is okay.
It’s been about a year since I opened up to my wife about the extent of my disaffection. We had a rough few months where we made no progress. I finally asked her one day if she would stay with me as an open apostate with head held high and she wasn’t sure she could. So I gave in. I stopped pushing. I got my new shiny temple recommend and agreed to shut up for as long as I could manage it.
Here I am a year later unsure if all that pain was worth it. Almost nothing has changed.
I’ve complained before (probably here, but definitely to myself) that it feels like I have to do more than my share of the emotional work here. I need to keep things bottled up, I can’t say anything or I’m the bad guy, I have to keep my secret safe for her not me. It’s wearing and very lonely.
Your comment reminds me that at least a part of my post is pretty sexist. I’m lamenting the potential ordinances I would miss if I left the church while forgetting that an entire group of people can’t participate no matter how much they believe. Sorry about that.
You’ve been at it longer but it sounds a lot like my situation. Except for me the “little things” she’s turned a blind eye to are caffeinated soda (at work only!), first person shooter video games (not around the kids!), and M-rated stand up comedy. I can’t imagine what she’d do if she knew I drank coffee…Anon70 wrote: ↑Thu May 10, 2018 2:30 pm Yes and it's gotten much better than it was 4 years ago--but I'm much more careful how I talk about it. I was going to say he's so much better about my "apostasy"--doesn't get upset if I do things on Sunday now that we wouldn't have before, that I don't wear G's, that I drink tea (gasp), occasionally agrees with my concerns about the church, etc. but really, I'm the one making all the accommodations. To the outside world I am a literal card-carrying TBM. So, he gets what he wants and that why MerrieMiss' post (below) resonated with me so much....
He gets to pretend and nothing really changes for him..for me I have to keep on faking, lying and living a lie and so he's ok with my little secret disobediences because no one knows. I wonder what would happen if I broke cover?MerrieMiss wrote: ↑Thu May 10, 2018 10:27 am While I'm trying to be so considerate of my husband, who is being considerate about me? It's time for some serious self care.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that as much as we try to make it easy on the people around us (and I'm going to anthropomorphize faith crises here), no person's faith crisis cared whether it was a good timing or not and the mormons in our lives don't care how we feel so long as they get to go on pretending everything is okay.
It’s your last question that keeps me up at night. In my worst nightmares, I see myself broken and alone abandoned by my family. It paralyzes me. So every once in a while, I’ve got to throw a thread on here so I don’t feel so alone…