I want to tell my family I’m bisexual. And I want them to know that that information doesn’t change the person I am. I’ve always been bisexual. So knowing it or not doesn’t change who I am, though it will likely change the way they see me.
I want to tell my family and friends that it’s ok for people to believe different things. I hate that the church creates this “believe and obey or be lost” feeling. My husband is an amazing person, and has become so much more compassionate, accepting, and Christlike (sorry babe) since he left the church. I admire that. And any God that would send him to hell because he doesn’t believe inspite of him being an amazing good person, is not a God I’m interested in.
I want to tell my family and friends that if the church were to be true, I would choose being an angel in a lesser kingdom over being “given” to a worthy priesthood holder that wasn’t my husband. Why in the world would I ever want to go where he isn’t?
I want to tell my family and friends that I just don’t believe in many of the doctrines of the church. And THAT’S OK. I’m still a good person with good values and I’m not going to go jump off the deep end with a bowling ball tied to my ankles. I believe in a God that loves us unconditionally, and just wants us to be kind and love people.
I want to tell my family and friends that the church created an environment in which I have a difficult time not judging people. And I’d like to move away from that. I’d like to stop judging and do more loving. Be kinder. Be less concerned with what people do and believe and more concerned with accepting them for being their own authentic selves.
I want to. But holy shit it’s scary.