KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

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KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Reuben »

Dr. Gina Colvin has been baptized Anglican: ... ds-a-home/
KiwiMormon wrote: I tried for years to see my way through this impasse, furiously sharing my disappointment, arguing for better, trying to describe the outrage, studying church history, listening to too many podcasts, writing, speaking and agitating for change. Not because I hated the church, but because I loved it. But, while all of this aggressive activity is cathartic in some ways, the soul eventually gets taxed. Over time I began to feel an aching need for stillness and a desire to be somewhere, where my feet aren’t struggling to find stable ground.
For background, her Mormon Stories interview:

Copypasta from a post of mine on another forum:

I'm happy she's found a new spiritual home where she won't have to wear herself out trying to present as someone else.


Gina hung in longer than I could and did a lot of good. It's time for her to find peace in Christ.

I'm sad to anticipate the loss of her voice, but there will be others.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Red Ryder »

KiwiMormon wrote: But, while all of this aggressive activity is cathartic in some ways, the soul eventually gets taxed. Over time I began to feel an aching need for stillness...
I love what she said. Eventually the mind and soul needs peace.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Corsair »

I'm imagining the statisticians in the COB working with the apostles trying to figure out how this might affect the demographics and financial standing of the LDS church after people like Gina Colvin and Bill Reel bow out. Both of them did so much to keep people engaged and they still ended up getting chewed up and spit out.

The final insult is that if I asked any believer about this turn of events I will get a response like "Gina who? Bill who?" Their audience was not large enough to be forced out like John Dehlin and Kate Kelley. So the church just has to aggressively ignore them and let Bill and Gina remove themselves through spiritual turmoil.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by ap1054 »

Where's Bill Reel stand these days? Does he go to church anymore?
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Red Ryder »

ap1054 wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:19 pm Where's Bill Reel stand these days? Does he go to church anymore?
I think he said he was taking a break from attending church. Not sure though since I don’t follow his brand of Mormonism.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Corsair »

ap1054 wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:19 pm Where's Bill Reel stand these days? Does he go to church anymore?
Bill hasn't resigned, but he is taking a sabbatical. He was attending and had fairly supportive leadership.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Hagoth »

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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by 2bizE »

Ive enjoyed Gina's articles for some time. She has been unofficially out for some time. She just grew tired of not having a supportive tribe to call home.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by Mormorrisey »

2bizE wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:28 pm Ive enjoyed Gina's articles for some time. She has been unofficially out for some time. She just grew tired of not having a supportive tribe to call home.
That's exactly it. I love Gina too, but I can't say I'm surprised. And like Bill Reel, I applauded her attempts to change things from within, I think both of them just got tired of banging their heads against the wall. I think the reason why both have just burned out, is that they truly loved the church, thought it could do great things, and just had to come to the conclusion that it simply wasn't going to change to do those great things. And then disillusionment just set in, which was unescapable.

As someone who has grown apathetic towards the institution, I don't feel that way anymore. It's incapable of change, so I'm just going to try and help my own family and any others willing to listen, to escape some of its toxicity. That's all I really care to do.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by SeeNoEvil »

Reuben wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:23 pm
KiwiMormon wrote: I tried for years to see my way through this impasse, furiously sharing my disappointment, arguing for better, trying to describe the outrage, studying church history, listening to too many podcasts, writing, speaking and agitating for change. Not because I hated the church, but because I loved it. But, while all of this aggressive activity is cathartic in some ways, the soul eventually gets taxed. Over time I began to feel an aching need for stillness and a desire to be somewhere, where my feet aren’t struggling to find stable ground.
Beautifully stated .... straight from the heart. I wish her much happiness.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by mooseman »

Corsair wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:07 pm
ap1054 wrote: Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:19 pm Where's Bill Reel stand these days? Does he go to church anymore?
Bill hasn't resigned, but he is taking a sabbatical. He was attending and had fairly supportive leadership.
His FB has steadily become more agressive towards the leadership, and stated on his podcast he sees his listenership becoming more "christian" than Mormon in the coming years.....
I doubt he'll still be church records by the end of RMN reign.
It's frustrating to see the last resort in a discussion of facts be: I disregard those facts because of my faith. Why even talk about facts if the last resort is to put faith above all facts that are contrary to your faith?
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by 2bizE »

Some thoughts on Gina,
She said in her last post that officially joining another church can lead to excommunication.
She was then baptized in another church.
She mentioned she hoped she wouldn’t be baptized.
Do you think her fellow Kiwi Mormon Bishop has quickly moved to excommunicate? I find non-Americans to be more empathetic toward church members and their faith in the commandments. They understand the cultures and are not so quick to pass judgement unlike many American, must follow the letter of the law, Pharisee Bishops/SPs. I do think she over wore her welcome though.
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Re: KiwiMormon is officially done with Mormonism

Post by MoPag »

2bizE wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 4:17 pm Some thoughts on Gina,
She said in her last post that officially joining another church can lead to excommunication.
She was then baptized in another church.
She mentioned she hoped she wouldn’t be baptized.
Do you think her fellow Kiwi Mormon Bishop has quickly moved to excommunicate? I find non-Americans to be more empathetic toward church members and their faith in the commandments. They understand the cultures and are not so quick to pass judgement unlike many American, must follow the letter of the law, Pharisee Bishops/SPs. I do think she over wore her welcome though.
I follow her on FB. She said her new Pastor and her Bishop are friends. I don't think they are going to ex her. Not without pressure from SLC, anyway.
Gina is amazing. She really fought a good fight and she deserves some peace now.
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