I had the same sense of obligation or responsibility in my callings, but (thank goodness) I was never called to primary or the nursery. I knew I could not do those callings, and I sometimes thought through what I might say if they told me "God" wanted me to be in one of those groups. Otherwise, though, I picked up the slack when someone didn't do their part of whatever I was doing, I pitched in everywhere I could, and was über dedicated.glass shelf wrote: ↑Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:06 pm Sadly, showing up to teach primary with a tiny baby was less irritating and frustrating than having to find a sub to teach it for me. In hindsight, it seems like the least a ward could do to support a woman who just gave birth was taking care of lining up the subs, but what do I know? I guess I'd been the person left holding the bag so many times when someone just didn't show for primary and I had to deal with covering for them that I didn't want to do that to anyone else.
In one calling, I was part of a team that had a PH guy called at the stake level who was supposed to do certain things. He did not like that calling; he had been on the HC just prior to that and he considered it a demotion, and he made it very clear he put himself above the calling. He was supposed to stage training several times a year (for people from several stakes) and would cancel things at the last minute but not notify people. For about a year, I picked up the slack and scrambled to make certain the training happened (I was qualified to give it), but I also did my own busy calling. My anger built up during that year & I felt so used. But, I kept doing it!
Finally, they released him and called me to the position he'd had (which was fine with me, since I was already doing it), and one of the stake leaders actually told me they'd "been aware" for quite a while that a change was needed. Although I appreciated the tipoff that it wasn't my imagination, it also made me even more angry, because I wondered why that had not acted sooner. I suspect they "didn't want to hurt his feelings" or some such "protect the men" bull-crap.
Overall, the type of "leadership" I saw in the church would never cut it in private-sector business. Non-performers and those who just plain never show up would not be kept around very long.