Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

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Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by ap1054 »

I heard or read somewhere that a study was conducted at BYU and the researchers found that only 15% 'ish of families in the LDS church fit the mold of what the "ideal" family should be (according to the definition in the Proc to the World).

Has anyone heard of this study or something similar to it? If so, would love to get my hands on it.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by Bremguy »

I know my family never quite fit the mold. I am disabled with MS and my wife worked.

Now, it is just myself and my wife.

But, it would be interesting to find the study.

Any way, family is what you make it.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by Corsair »

Bremguy wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:46 pm Any way, family is what you make it.
I totally agree, but this is outside the model espoused in the Proclamation on the Family. There is a pall of orthodox expectation that burdens families that don't fit the standard model.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by dogbite »

The PotF is a move to give the church legal standing in contesting laws regarding marriage, adoption and so on. That's its relevance. Without standing (in other words the law directly affects you) you can't sue.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by SeeNoEvil »

When the proclamation first came out the bishop read it over the pulpit. I was sitting in the congregation with my family that consisted of me, a single divorced mom with my 8 kids with one being pregnant, unmarried, and 17 and another one yet to come out. . It was a huge shelf cracking moment. The proclamation confirmed I had failed as a mother and wife. Now I see it as nothing more than hurtful words put out by a bunch of old delusional men who haven't a clue what family is all anout!
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by IT_Veteran »

SeeNoEvil wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:15 pm When the proclamation first came out the bishop read it over the pulpit. I was sitting in the congregation with my family that consisted of me, a single divorced mom with my 8 kids with one being pregnant, unmarried, and 17 and another one yet to come out. . It was a huge shelf cracking moment. The proclamation confirmed I had failed as a mother and wife. Now I see it as nothing more than hurtful words put out by a bunch of old delusional men who haven't a clue what family is all anout!
I never saw a problem with it, I'm ashamed to say. I never thought about how it impacted those that didn't have that. Now I understand and it's horrifying to think of the things I said defending it.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by wtfluff »

ap1054 wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:24 pm I heard or read somewhere that a study was conducted at BYU and the researchers found that only 15% 'ish of families in the LDS church fit the mold of what the "ideal" family should be (according to the definition in the Proc to the World).
Sounds like much of what the church "teaches".

Unattainable, impossible to reach "goals" that they use to constantly beat you into submission with.

Edit: A possibly better name I've heard for the "proc" is: The Proclamation Against The Family, because as mentioned, very few families actually fit into that mold.
Last edited by wtfluff on Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by Not Buying It »

Let’s talk about it’s relevance: It’s called “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”. And the World says “Hmmm...never heard of it”.

It’s just a self-important press release from a small religion with delusions of grandeur that no one else really cares about.
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by MoPag »

SeeNoEvil wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:15 pm When the proclamation first came out the bishop read it over the pulpit. I was sitting in the congregation with my family that consisted of me, a single divorced mom with my 8 kids with one being pregnant, unmarried, and 17 and another one yet to come out. . It was a huge shelf cracking moment. The proclamation confirmed I had failed as a mother and wife. Now I see it as nothing more than hurtful words put out by a bunch of old delusional men who haven't a clue what family is all anout!
All it does is highlight the pain and shame of people who don't fit the ideal. It's cruel, really.

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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by Archimedes »

I think that someone not familiar with Mormonism and just living an everyday modern life would read the Proclamation and be led immediately to the conclusion that this religion is anti-LGBTQ. And misogynistic. It espouses a 1950s world view where Hillary Clinton really should have stayed home and baked cookies. I find it particularly horrific that the church is still heaping guilt and shame on women who either choose to, or have to, work outside the home.

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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by slavereeno »

We memorized it as a family when challenged to do so by our biship. :oops:
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Re: Relevance of Proclamation on the Family

Post by dogbite »

I've shredded every copy that came into the house. Nobody has ever noticed.
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