... of_sexual/
Apparently his actions included the following:
Nothing against his dad, the actions of children are not always reflective of the parents. However, I find it troubling that when you have a high position in the Church, you can hook your kid up with a lucrative position at Kirton McConkie eight years after he’s fired for sexual harassment: her lawsuit, Bottomly claimed Monson had become obsessed with her "personally and sexually" during her employment at AIB from 1990 to 1993. Bottomly said she was forced to listen to "stories of the most intimate facts of his sexual relations with his wife [and he] repeatedly asked about her sex life." Monson, the suit claimed, stalked her, tried to kiss her, searched her belongings, listened to her conversations and repeatedly propositioned her. He also wrote love notes and left "lewd" materials on her desk, including a drawing of two people having sex, according to court documents.
Bottom line - we as a Church reward people who are fired for sexual harassment - as long as their parent is in the First Presidency. If it is an MTC President, we look the other way and go after the victim. But if it is an ordinary regular member, we bring the hammer down, either with overwhelming amounts of shaming and guilt, or a Court of Love if deemed necessary. All members are not equal, and don’t ever think they are.