Gaining weight

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Gaining weight

Post by dispirited »

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Re: Gaining weight

Post by MalcolmVillager »

Wow, I am a bit (ok a lot) jealous about all this. 5 lbs is nothing. Don't sweat it and let the good times roll!
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Red Ryder
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Red Ryder »

Add me to the jealous guy crowd.

How did you get to the point of compromise?

Has she drank before? Or totally new experience for both?
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Korihor »

5 pounds isn't much to worry over.

Regarding any potential guilt - that is worth addressing. The predicament is that if you mention to her, it might suddenly make her self aware again and ruin the fun. OR she experiences some guilt in going along with it all and is secretly carrying a little resentment.

Tough call. Maybe when the time is right you could bring it up. It's all about delivery and presentation. Good luck. My wife is no longer morally opposed to alcohol, but she views it as an unhealthy substance - Same category as soft drinks. She even recently taught a lesson to her YW that they won't go to hell if they decide to drink alcohol (when they are of proper age of course). She was trying break LDS stereotypes and show that just because someone drinks it doesn't make them a bad person.

My opinion for now: Don't overdo it and enjoy the extracurricular benefits.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by 2bizE »

I'm officially jealous. Sounds romantic having wine with your wife. Would love to get there someday.
Maybe add some walking to your routine with the misses or more sexercise if you are worried about putting on a little weight.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by dispirited »

I got to the compromise point by just talking to her about the things that were hard for me to believe in. For example the multiple first vision accounts, the rock (that was a big one) the book of Abraham origin, JS marrying already married women, DNA evidence that the "lamonites" are from Asia not Jerusulem, the feeling she hat the church is a land development Company with City Creek and not as concerned with Christ, no revelation since JS...she would listen and give me the standard apologic answers, but she understood why I didn't believe. Then I told her that it really didnt make sence to follow the. Word of wisdom when I didn't believe. After watching me drink a few times, she just decided to join in. I'm not sure where it is going, but like everything, said m going to go slow. Thanks for the responses.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by MalcolmVillager »

I am still working on getting DW to do more than a sample sip of various frappuccino's (I can't even spell that). We will see if we get to mild drinks.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Liberated Me »

I drink a bit socially and my husband likely never will ( although he is happy to surprise me and order a hard cider or a bit of champagne when we are out, I think he appreciates the bedroom perks). He still attends church 1/2 the time. At first when I left the church he was nervous about where all of my moral standards would be. I assured him that the family is my priority. My drinking rule is this:
I only drink in the company of friends that are supportive of our marriage.
Last winter I went on a yoga retreat to Mexico and sampled fantastically flavored margaritas (pineapple-basil is the best!). He was cool with this because I was in the company of friends that he knew and trusted.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by SunbeltRed »

Great story!

I'm with you on the weight gain (probably about 5lbs for me too) though I have been drinking a lot more frequently than you (I might even possibly be mixing some whiskey and coke as I type this).

I have had to up my exercise regimen to combat this new habit. It might be time to scale back so I can try to drop a few pounds. Thanksgiving dinner with wine certainly didn't help any, that's for sure.

Maybe add in some exercise, or ask DW if she wants to train for a 5K run with you or something since you want to get in a better shape and would love to hang out with her while you do it...something like that maybe.
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