Activity Girls lesson last week

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Activity Girls lesson last week

Post by crossmyheart »

...was to write letters to the 2 LDS families who had children injured or killed in the Parkland, FL shooting. (one LDS child was injured, another killed)

My 10yo DD: Weren't there more than just two kids hurt in the shooting?
Teacher: Yes
10 yo: Why cant we send a card to all of the families?
Teacher: Because we just want to let the LDS families know that we love and support them and are praying for them.
10yo: But why cant we send one to everyone?
Teacher: crickets...? :oops: changes the subject...

I had a long talk with my daughter on the drive home and told her she is right to think outside the Mormon Bubble. We are working on a plan to honor all of the 17 children in her way.

I don't blame the teacher for her ethnocentrism, she was taught to be that way. I blame the church as a whole for creating an atmosphere of us vs. them.
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Re: Activity Girls lesson last week

Post by Corsair »

It's really unfortunate that this Activity Day leader missed this opportunity. Suppose she had agreed with your daughter?

10yo DD: Weren't there more than just two kids hurt in the shooting?
Teacher: Yes
10 yo: Why cant we send a card to all of the families?
Teacher: That's a very kind idea! Let me get some more stamps and envelopes. What kind of things could we say to them?

But this did not happen. Your daughter has this figured out and I congratulate you for helping her cultivate a Christlike attititude that surprisingly works for both believers and unbelievers.
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