And it's not really about the bedroom. Especially as Nelson has so oddly put it here. For some time, the Church has tried to make a distinction between what someone feels (what they call same-sex attraction) and what someone does (sexual activity). They have tried to claim that feeling attracted to someone of the same sex isn't a sin, but acting on it is. Nelson is talking about love, which might be a feeling or might be an action, but he really isn't clear about it.
Is it wrong for a parent to love a gay son? Or to love their gay daughter?
Is it really the love that is the problem in a gay relationship (from the Church's demands)? Is it a problem that two men love and care for each other, supporting each other in life? What about the relationship between Jesus and the disciple whom he loved? Or when David loved Johnathon?
Love and sex aren't the same thing, though they can be related.
Reading the stories on Sam's site, it's clear that the Church has little interest in love. When someone confesses to shared sexual activity, no one ever relates that the Bishop asks whether they love each other. Or whether it was consensual. Or whether their partner respected their desires.