Its the racist who attaches skin color to every comment, regardless if that was the intent or not. Badmouthing a country has nothing to do with skin color but everything to do with the behavior and economics of said country.moksha wrote: ↑Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:56 pm I don't get how people say Trump is a racist. Just because of his numerous remarks over the last four decades? I mean, he might have referred to some countries whose residents have a bit darker skin as s***holes, but would anyone call that racist who worked at the Church Office Building?
He also publically wished out loud that all our immigrants could come from Norway and be like the little Norwegian children, but that is only because Trump loves the little Norwegian children for their pure and delightsome skin color. How could people dare say that was racist? Did anybody make that charge against that guy from WWII who flew all the way from Berlin to visit Norway and made an identical remark about the little Norwegian children?
Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
- 1smartdodog
- Posts: 510
- Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:51 pm
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
― Thomas A. Edison
― Thomas A. Edison
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
Yes, he "says it like it is." This reminds me of a political cartoon that came out during the campaign. There is this billboard and on it a wolf says, "I am going to eat you." And the sheep looking up at the billboard say, "I really like him. He says it like it is."1smartdodog wrote: ↑Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:00 pmExactly. People hate Trump but he is probably the most genuine president we have had. What you see is what you get. You may hate it but he is not hiding his agenda.Palerider wrote: ↑Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:07 pm I'm not sure I can respond to this without it being somewhat political.
By way of explanation, I was really repulsed by Trump in the primaries. What a gutter fighter and poorly spoken individual. There is nothing statesmanlike about Trump.
But after the election, it seems that he's actually DOING a lot of the things that conservatives would like to see accomplished and he's calling out many of the RHINOs like McCain, Flake and Romney who don't care for Trump's "junkyard dog" style but they themselves were quite statemanlike in their ability to water down conservative values and sidestep the really hard decisions. Essentially they were/are gutless wonders who allowed themselves to be guilt tripped by extreme leftists. They spoke eloquently and weaseled like cowards.
As for Mormons, I think they have been pleasantly surprised by Trump's agenda at the same time as they are chagrined and embarrassed at his style. But hey! The guy is actually DOING something. And I think that means a great deal to Mormons. Especially after years and years of watching church leaders who act much more like the Flakes and Romneys. They're great tap dancers.
After the savage beating the Romneys and their church cronies gave Trump in Utah, I actually see it as a defiant act by the general membership to go against their idolized movers,shakers and "never Trumpers" in the Mormon community by approving of Trump. To me that's a show of independent thinking. Mormons are actually responding positively to a results based situation instead of having to swallow camels while straining at gnats. They're telling the high and mighties to take a hike. .
Imagine that! A leader who actually does what he says he's going to do.
The man is no Abraham Lincoln...far from it. But whether one hates or loves Trump policies, no one can say he isn't getting it done.
If conservative Republicans had done their job and had a spine, a man like Trump would not have been elected.
On the other hand
I have been afraid to say this, but go ahead and stone me for it. But it has crossed my mind that Mormons like trump because some of them are racist. Say,.... 61% are racist. But since it is "bad" to be racist, they just like tRump because he says what they feel for them.
I am feeling this way because the tRump supporter that I know best is very racist, only she is one of those who cannot see their own racism, because they think that the truth is that black people really, really are inferior, so they are not racist, just that they see reality and the bleeding heart libtards are too stupid to see the truth.
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
That would help explain why Mormons are also the least enthusiastic supporters of Obama, even though in many ways he is exemplary of so many ideals that Mormons value, compared to say, Bill Clinton.alas wrote: ↑Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:28 amI have been afraid to say this, but go ahead and stone me for it. But it has crossed my mind that Mormons like trump because some of them are racist. Say,.... 61% are racist. But since it is "bad" to be racist, they just like tRump because he says what they feel for them.
I think a lot of the people who behave like racists would be shocked to be labeled racist. Cliven Bundy doesn't think he's a racist, he just thinks black people would be happier if they were still slaves. Racism runs very deep in LDS doctrine. It is in all of our scriptures. Dark skin is a curse and a mark of less valiant/worthy people. If you are white and you accept the doctrine of the church as true and God-given, no matter how sincerely love people of all colors, you have a built in sense of superiority. Denying that is denying the tenets of your religion and admitting that you have an inferior testimony.
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
- FoundMyOwnWay
- Posts: 28
- Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:34 pm
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
I honestly don't believe there are many Mormons who are racist. Of those who are, it's probably in the noise in these polls which likely aren't great to begin with. I'm sure whoever did the poll started with a specifically desired outcome, and structured everything to make that outcome more likely.
On another note, when conservatives hear Trump called certain nations s*holes, it does show that he is fighting to put immigration laws in place that are more "restrictive" and more "pro American". Many voted for Trump so that he would strengthen the borders. Hearing that Trump is fighting to do so, even if he uses strong (not racist) language isn't going to offend his user base.
On another note, when conservatives hear Trump called certain nations s*holes, it does show that he is fighting to put immigration laws in place that are more "restrictive" and more "pro American". Many voted for Trump so that he would strengthen the borders. Hearing that Trump is fighting to do so, even if he uses strong (not racist) language isn't going to offend his user base.
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
I think they eat it up. Same thing when Trump declares that he would prefer Norwegians as immigrants. They too want such Nordic immigrants that look just like Jesus. Nothing racist about preferring Jesus over some of those Hispanic evil doers that enter our country because we do not have border walls with laser and missile turrets!!! Remember, there are good and bad people on both sides of the pointy white hoods.FoundMyOwnWay wrote: ↑Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:30 pm Hearing that Trump is fighting to do so, even if he uses strong (not racist) language isn't going to offend his user base.

Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
-- Moksha
- JustHangingOn@57
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- Location: Right in the thick of it.
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
Honest question. I see a lot of kids get called to Spanish speaking stateside missions. When they are out knockin' on doors are they counseled to verify citizenship? My inlaws love to talk about my nieces success amongst the spanish speaking lost sheep in Chicago, yet they are huge Trump fans, watch Faux news 24x7, and are anxious for "that wall to go up to keep those damn mexcans (sic) out". I can't in my mind seem to reconcile the incongruity.
- Posts: 1162
- Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:54 pm
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
Trumps latest project is protections for religious employees who want to discriminate against LGBT. Is that a quid pro quo for the high LDS approval rating?
- trophywife26.2
- Posts: 247
- Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:50 pm
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
I'm not so sure about that. What if Trump wants you to think that what you see is what you get, but there's actually something else under the surface that we don't see?1smartdodog wrote: ↑Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:00 pm
Exactly. People hate Trump but he is probably the most genuine president we have had. What you see is what you get. You may hate it but he is not hiding his agenda.
Even if it's something disappointing, it's still better to know the truth. Because people can deal with disappointment. And once they've done that, they can feel that they have really grown. And that can be such a good feeling. -Fred Rogers
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
I think Mormons approve of Trump because so many of them already excel at world class mental gymnastics. They are so used to convoluted thinking that applying it to Trump isn't much of a stretch at all.
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
One of the neat things about living in Utah is all the wonderful entrepreneurial gizmos and investment opportunities my fellow Utahans are able to offer. That is why I like to sometimes offer ideas to help them with their efforts. So here is one that can be sold commercially or crafted in Relief Society. It would consist of a needlepoint saying on a contrasting background and then framed.
The saying? Here it is to help make a needlepoint extraordinaire.
The saying? Here it is to help make a needlepoint extraordinaire.
It might not be ponderize, but hey ....Trump is Mormon and Mormons are Trump. That is all ye need to know.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
-- Moksha
- Posts: 1162
- Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:54 pm
Re: Why do Mormons give Trump the highest approval rating?
Also, Deseret News basically endorsed Trump via their glowing endorsement of Rob Porter last year. It was gross to read how many passes they gave RP, just for beimg Mormon, and by extension to Trump for hiring him.