Fall 2016 Conference

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hiding in plain sight
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Re: Fall 2016 Conference

Post by hiding in plain sight »

Culper Jr. wrote: One thing that I found irritating was Eyring's not acknowledging the opposition vote. Uchdorf at least acknowledged it last conference, but Eyring gets this irritated look on his face and speeds through it, not acknowledging the guy. I mean, why even ask for an opposing vote if you are going to ignore the reply?
I noticed that one as well. It felt very intentional and preplanned. They are in a tough spot. God, through the D&C, has commanded that they ask for the vote. But in their hearts, they really don't ever, even once, want to hear from the members.

As our dearly beloved BKP, used to teach. Leaders in the church must learn which way to face. And that is not looking to the members. We must always look to the leaders.

They have proven time and again they don't really want to hear what the members have to say.
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Re: Fall 2016 Conference

Post by nibbler »

LostMormon wrote:I does seem like they were a lot more focused on telling/pleading people not to leave, but maybe we are just listening for that more now? (I think I am) I don't really get a sense from my family members that people leaving the church is even a problem, and they don't seem to be hearing it in talks like I am. My ears did perk up when (I think it was Uchtdorf) told the story about the guy that fell away from the church, tried his best to tear down the church, even had his name removed, and then later came back to the fold.

he didn't really give much detail into why he came back, but I would like to hear what fellow NOM's think of this story, was it a real story? was it based on a true story, with important details left out that wouldn't be quite so faith promoting?

If it is a real story, I would like to hear his reconversion story.
I don't think it's just you. Many talks focused on people that leave or members in danger of falling away:
  • Uchtdorf: Fourth Floor, Last Door
  • Uchtdorf: O How Great the Plan of Our God!
  • Cook: Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus
  • Uchtdorf: Learn from Alma and Amulek
  • Ballard: To Whom Shall We Go?
  • Rasband: Lest Thou Forget
This isn't even a comprehensive list. I just pulled one talk from every session that leaned heavily on the theme of people leaving (or getting tripped up and falling away). There were others. I also only pulled from talks given by apostles. It seemed like half the talks from the Q15 were on the subject. I think it's going to be a perennial theme going forward. We might not get 40% of all talks touching on people leaving like we saw this past conference but there will probably be at least a few.

All I can comfortably say about the story of "David" and "Jacob" is that it was a real story. What we are missing is all the details. Why David left, what prompted David to rejoin the church, how orthodox David's current beliefs are, etc.
Culper Jr. wrote:Usually I like Uchdorf's talks; he usually has a more conciliatory tone, but not this time.
Same here.

His first talk reminded me of my more orthodox years when I wallowed in scrupulous misery. No matter how much you do there's another door you could have knocked and you feel guilt for not doing it. The talk was also reminiscent of that mindset where if you don't get an answer to your prayers you just aren't doing [fill in the blank] correctly. Do [fill in the blank] correctly. And if that doesn't work it's not god's will, which you can't change, but keep doing [fill in the blank] anyway.

His "past feeling" comment during his second talk felt like a smack in the face. I spent a few minutes processing that one before I could hear the other stuff he was saying.

Then there's David and Jacob from his third talk. I'd characterize myself to be more like David (but I've never resigned) but I couldn't help but feel empathy to all the people who have parted ways with the church (for their own mental health I might add) that now have orthodox family and friends sending them this talk and wondering why they can't be more like David. It may give orthodox members a false hope for loved ones returning to the church. That said, this is the general conference of the church, what else are they going to say? Sometimes leaving is the healthiest option? I wonder whether anyone at the top actually believes something like that?

Ballard. I don't know if the apostles take assignments or if they gravitate towards what interests them but he's definitely the missionary work apostle, which encompasses retention efforts. I actually like John chapter 6 but I think there's a difference between inward reflection and asking yourself "where will I go?" (more of my experience) and some third party forcing the question on you "where will you go?" In the Biblical story Peter reflects and asks Jesus, "to whom shall go?" During conference it felt like the story was slightly altered. Peter was troubled and Jesus asked him,"where are you going to go Peter?" the Jesus supplies the answer for him, "Remember, I'm Christ."
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John G.
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Re: Fall 2016 Conference

Post by John G. »

Yobispo wrote:
John G. wrote:Great to get NOM back! What did you all think about conference? I hope Oliver will do his analysis of conference talks again. They were very insightful last conference!
(Also, I wanted to be the first to post on the Doctrinal Discussion topic)
Hey John, your picture reminds me of a line from Ray Lamontagne's "Jolene". Give it a listen.
Thanks, I'll google it and give it a listen! On the old NOM I used a different user name, but I picked John G. from the movie Memento. It is one of the most original movies I've ever seen. If anyone hasn't seen it I highly recommend seeing it.


Yobispo, I also liked reading your posts on Reddit. It was nice to see a user name on Reddit that I knew from NOM. Before the NOM site went down I hadn't beeen Reddit much before. It's definitely a good site, but it did seem a little too big. It was hard to get to know the thinking of any individual poster. And even though I haven't been active in the church since the 90's, I'm still in the NOM phase because I've been undercover about my apostasy with my parents and siblings. (Moving out of Utah has given me the space to go inactive without too many problems).
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Re: Fall 2016 Conference

Post by RubinHighlander »

I'm a little late to this party. While NOM was down I went over to Ex-Mormon Forums, which is nearly a ghost town. I had posted about Ballard's "Good Ship Zion" talk and the abusive spouse analogy.

Ballard rambles on to compare the Church to Christ, using the story where most of the disciples left Jesus and only the 12 remained. My brother mentioned that this Good Ship Zion metaphor goes against the story where Christ asked Peter to leave the boat and go to him across the water. It sparked inspiration for me for a couple of new memes:
GoodShipZion.jpg (147.04 KiB) Viewed 3855 times
BallardNapoleonMeme.jpg (138.92 KiB) Viewed 3855 times
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Re: Fall 2016 Conference

Post by deacon blues »

Nowyoutellme wrote:I too listen more intently now than I ever did as a TBM. You could definitely hear the pleading theme of please don't leave.
My wife loathed the talk in which we learn the Saviors love for us is conditional. They have no idea what to do in order to slow the loss of the youth and many other of the best and brightest families.
This. I think the GA's are fearful of losing members, but they don't dare take that little step to ask themselves, "Well, what it is ISN'T true? So, they have difficulty understanding where people like me are coming from.
God is Love. God is Truth. The greatest problem with organized religion is that the organization becomes god, rather than a means of serving God.
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