Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. This is also the place to laugh, cry, and love together.
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Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Deepthinker »

How many of you are part of an unorthodox Mormon Facebook group? If you are, which ones do you like and/or dislike?

I joined a Mormon Stories group a few years ago and it wasn't a good fit for me, so I bailed. I joined the ATF Facebook group last year and that seems to be better for me, although some of them in there use too much "nuance" on certain topics for my taste. I've been able to find some connections with people who know some of my family and friends, nobody I already knew so far.

I know there is a NOM Facebook group and I've thought about joining that one.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Ghost »

I think Facebook is a terrible platform for discussion in many ways, but I keep up with some of the Mormon-themed groups there because they are active and convenient and, as you mentioned, to see whether anyone I know pops up in the member list or recognizes me.

Roughly in order of tame to not-so-tame, these are some groups that I'm aware of:
  • MO 2.0
  • Mormon Hub
  • Uncensored LDS/Mormon Topics
  • Mormon VIP Club (formerly the Mormon Expression group)
I used to be in the A Thoughtful Faith group, but after being kicked out for inactivity several times I eventually gave up.

I didn't know that there was a NOM group, aside from a couple of old secret ones that never have any activity these days.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Just This Guy »

I'm a member of the Facebook NOM group. It is not very active. It can be good for headlines, but there isn't much detailed discussion there. Maybe a hand full of posts a month and nothing really gets to much in depth. I joined after the old board went down to get my fill of NOMs.

I agree there is something about the Facebook platform that doesn't lend itself to detailed discussion.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Red Ryder »

I should join FB so I can friend all of you angry apostates and post LDS conference talks, temple memes, and prophet worship to your wall thingies. Oh and recipes and food pictures too!

I could even congratulate you when you post about your kid mowing the lawn!

I think Koriwhor/Kish just joined one where they share pictures of people running around in pre-2005 initiatory shields on a windy day! What was that one called Kish?
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Thoughtful »

I mostly interact on FMH and exponent.

ATF is too much mansplaining and tone policing. I like TT quite a bit.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Just This Guy »

Red Ryder wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:56 pm I should join FB so I can friend all of you angry apostates and post LDS conference talks, temple memes, and prophet worship to your wall thingies.

People post those? I havn't seen any for a while.

Fortunately,they all come from the same few sites, so they are easy to block on face book. Simply blocking anything from, LDS Living and Meridian Magazine takes care of 90% of the TBM content that gets posted around me. Facebook is much more pleasant with them blocked.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Emower »

I joined a bunch and bailed as well. I think forums attract a specific group of people. Facebook attracts all kinds of people. Then it only takes one person with a hot head, or a trollish personality to escalate the conversation and it snowballs. The instantaneousness (is that how you spell it?) of it does not help.

Emotions were way too close to the surface for me. Around here there is definitely raw emotion, but it is deeper and does not erupt needlessly like it does on facebook.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by Corsair »

I don't look at Facebook very often and never post, but I did join a few groups including Mormon Stories and the Phoenix Open Mormons group. I also managed to join a couple of pro-LDS apologetics groups with the hope that something interesting might be stated in favor of the church. This has not occurred and they just flail around throwing out random ideas to support their poorly thought out favorite doctrines.
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Re: Unorthodox Mormon Facebook Groups

Post by shethinksdeep »

Hey Red Rider... here is post #2 for today! :lol:

I like forums more as well. You are able to maintain your privacy a lot easier. I did create a Facebook account without my real name awhile back and joined a few groups, including the NOM group, but this forum is a lot more active and enjoyable to lurk around. The group on Facebook that I like watching the most is the Strengthening LDS Mixed-Faith Marriages and Families group. At this point I am walking the delicate path of balancing authenticity without putting my husband through the ringer, so I appreciate reading about what has and hasn't worked for others as they have traveled the same path.
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