From my POV, based on me leaving before DW:
1. Trying to "take things slow," ...
I had revealed over time here a little, there a little. Some things were a bit of a shock, like when I revealed I was having doubts and questions. The time I revealed I'd had a beer with friends at lunch at work. It caused her a lot of dissonance. Before she quit believing, she was the one to suggest we were paying too much tithing and reduced it. After those things came out, I increased my dedication and love to her, kept quiet for the most part, then let her new cogdis grow like a mustard seed. At times when it came up, I expressed my true emotional pain over the matter, showing how truly conflicted I was, backing it up with assurance that I would continue to go and participate for the rest of my days as long as it was important to her and she believed in it.
2. There is an argument I have no valid response to: compare what Mormon kids are doing and accomplishing with what non-religious kids are doing and accomplishing.
Okay, so this one is really impossible to address without some significant social study and a decent sampling of the population. My own son, who did not go on a mission, moved out of his mom's house and far out of state right after high school. He's been out on his own, working odd jobs, had owned 3 used cars, pays his own rent, hangs out with friends, plays in a band, travels to Florida for a couple of months on a job, has been out to Utah a couple of times. He's not doing college yet, but he's mapping out a career for himself and learning great life skills. How would his life have been different if he'd served an LDS mission? I have no idea. Yes a mission provides a growth opportunity, but so do many other things. I'd suggest you tell your DW that it's a complex situation to know if the mission makes or breaks kid's future success. There will be cased where it really helps and others where it was detrimental. Bottom line is, society as a whole, across the globe is improving ( Can this be attributed to the growth in the LDS church? Kids going on missions? I think the numbers suggest otherwise because the church, let alone kids that serve missions, only makes up 0.2% of the total population. It may have impact here in Morcor, but not anywhere else.
3. Does edging out send confusing and conflicting messages to the kids if we aren't going to be upfront about it, will they even understand?
My kids were very understanding when we finally made the announcement. It really only mattered to one kids because the rest were already out. Our 15 year old was so relieved and happy because she didn't believe it anyway. Honest with the kids is the best policy, but also don't dump on them. Each will take it differently and age obviously plays in. Be honest, but don't dump the laundry basket on them. Keeping a loving safe home for them is priority one. I'd try to shield your conflict with DW. Just MHO.
4. See 2
5. My bio dad was alcoholic, so I was cautious about consumption. Has not been a problem. About 10% of the population is predisposed to some type of addiction, be it diet coke, drugs, or booze. As long as you never feel like you NEED a drink to try and drown out some emotions and drinking is just social or just because you feel like it, you'll be okay. Just be aware if you feel you are slipping or using it as a crutch.
DW asks where else are we going to find the pieces we want in a one stop shop?
So this is the mindset of those plugged into the matrix. They don't want to figure out the real world for themselves, it's easier to be given all the answers and be told what to do all the time. It's not a comfortable place (at first) being out in the great unknown with no more answers to the purpose of life. This gave me a lot of cogdis when I was thinking of making an exit. It took me a while to be okay with not having the answers, to be on path of discovery with a knowledge I may never have some answers. I'm okay with that now. The trade off was freedom of the mind and another weekend day to enjoy the great outdoors or just time with the family. I love my life more with less dread and no more guilt; it's so liberating! You find out you don't need their stupid made up answers! You can just live life and find so much more happiness in it. There is no other religion or pseudo science that will best the LDS religion because they all exist in the same world of BS! Religion is on the decline, but the world, according to raw data, is getting better. Is there a correlation there?