Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

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Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by a1986 »

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to share my excitement around moving out of state this upcoming year. I live in a somewhat small city and the LDS community is very tight-knit and small. It truly feels like all active members know each other or have at least heard of each other in some way or another.

I am truly so excited to move away from this environment. Since no longer attending church for probably about 2 years now, I dread seeing someone from one of our old wards while running errands or at the gym and having to explain my "situation" as an inactive member. I find it very hard to be phony and to put on an "act" that my husband and I are still active / believing so I always feel very awkward. The way I've dealt with this is avoiding people as much as I possibly can. I just don't have the strength or desire to explain to our old friends why I don't want to go to church anymore, why i don't believe in a lot of what the church sets forth as doctrine, etc. . . Over the past 1.5 years I would say, I no longer invite out old friends, turn down offers to spend time with them and avoid events / places I'm more likely to see friends from church / people we knew from church. I truly hate this feeling! I feel as if i always have these thoughts in the back of my mind of seeing people while out, someone from church seeing me order coffee from Starbucks, being "seen" wearing shorts that are not bermudas, etc. . . I already deal with anxieties and this certainly hasn't helped.

I have never dealt with anything like this in my life. On top of serious difficulties with my marriage and feeling unsupported due to my need to isolate / separate myself from our previous life (and having few connections outside of members), it's been an extremely rough past 2 years (my husband and I were sealed 12/2015 and it's been downhill from that time). I feel like I'm just surviving and focusing on caring for myself and trying not to worry about what other people are thinking, etc. . . this includes my husband's family that live in the next city.

I cannot express the joy I feel at the thought of being able to live in freedom!! I have no intention of being engaged whatsoever in the LDS community once we move and look forward to building connections with people I'm truly interested in and feel a true connection with--something I've been missing and craving for such a long time now.

The one "loose thread" left hanging is that of my marriage. My husband and I have had many talks, at length about whether our relationship is something we want to continue with or leave behind. My falling away from the church has not benefited my husband in any way and I feel truly guilty that it has actually been a negative influence on his life. He still considers himself a believer although we don't go to church and don't really do any church-related activities (we shop on Sunday, don't do FHE, etc. . . .) It seems in many ways we are going in two different directions. We are going to be going through marriage counseling to see if we can salvage something, but I have a feeling I may be moving on my own.

Wish me / us luck during this strange and exciting time! Thanks for reading.
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by Anon70 »

Living in an LDS town myself I can see exactly what you are describing. I hope the move is positive for you and you can live more authentically. Best of luck with your marriage as well!
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by MoPag »

Good luck with everything!

I'm excited for you to move out of the bubble. :D It's a crazy, fun world out here! You're going to love it!
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by crossmyheart »

Best wishes in your move.

Moving was the best thing I have ever done for my mental health and my marriage.
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by a1986 »

Anon70 wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:46 am Living in an LDS town myself I can see exactly what you are describing. I hope the move is positive for you and you can live more authentically. Best of luck with your marriage as well!
Yes! Thank you so much, and yes, the "authentic living" part I'm so very excited about!
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by a1986 »

MoPag wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:38 pm Good luck with everything!

I'm excited for you to move out of the bubble. :D It's a crazy, fun world out here! You're going to love it!
Yes! Really looking forward to it! Thank you
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by a1986 »

crossmyheart wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:10 pm Best wishes in your move.

Moving was the best thing I have ever done for my mental health and my marriage.
Thank you. Did you have a similar experience of kind of "cutting all ties" once you moved?
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by crossmyheart »

Thank you. Did you have a similar experience of kind of "cutting all ties" once you moved?

It has been amazing. No running in to members at the store, at restaurants, no worrying about Sunday visits from HT or VT. So nice to have a beer or glass of wine with dinner when we eat out. Sundays without church obligations are so relaxing.

Like I said, when we moved, no one kept in touch except for one friend from our old ward. It was abundantly clear they were all just assigned friendships. I still live about 3 hours away in the same state, and occasionally go back to attend family/church events for my friend. I do my best to dress and act the part when I go back as I am not interested in making a grand statement. And I just don't think any of them will actually want to hear what I have to say, it is like watching a stepford wives event. All group-think, no personality.
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by a1986 »

crossmyheart wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:44 pm [

Like I said, when we moved, no one kept in touch except for one friend from our old ward. It was abundantly clear they were all just assigned friendships. I still live about 3 hours away in the same state, and occasionally go back to attend family/church events for my friend. I do my best to dress and act the part when I go back as I am not interested in making a grand statement. And I just don't think any of them will actually want to hear what I have to say, it is like watching a stepford wives event. All group-think, no personality.
I can relate to not wanting to make a "grand statement." Doesn't really suit me personally. I might engage in a conversation about "why" I left if someone seemed genuinely interested. Yes to the "group think" sentiment. Looking back now, that's probably why I never really felt like I fit in.
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Re: Moving / Separating Myself from the Church Completely

Post by NewLight »

Good luck on the move and with the counseling in your marriage. Sounds like some interesting times ahead are in store for you.
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