This made me bloody angry

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This made me bloody angry

Post by Meilingkie »

2f5838f6d86b6ed9f1aa8639c14584d1.jpg (60.21 KiB) Viewed 5574 times
Why then did priests not get the inspiration to build the Saturn V?
Or to build the telescope?
Or do any invention using the scientific method.
Why did we have to wait for scientists and the renaissance to jumpstart our civilization??

We had bloody priests who can draw from His knowledge and wisdom?
ANd they did nothing to advance the human race. They held us back.

And now we teach our children that knowing, that science is not obedience, on the contrary.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by Corsair »

The assumption in this attitude by religious people is that God's unlimited wisdom is readily available to us. I'm not claiming that God does not exist. On the contrary, I would be happy with an omni-benevolent God in charge. But the LDS ordering of the cosmos does not hold up well. God's unlimited wisdom is filtered through LDS leaders and that's where the problems start. How many apologetic explanations for an extensive list of poor decisions gets explained by "speaking as a man, not as a prophet" or "prophets are fallible" or "the imperfections of men".

The wisdom of God is only lauded when some sacrifice turns out well for the limited mortal. But this bit of advice will not get trotted out when an over-zealous LDS leader kills a bunch of settlers in southern Utah, or the prophet marries your wife, or LDS leaders purchase forged documents, or yet another homeless, gay teenager comes to a tragic end.

In LDS thought, "Obedience is a choice" translates into "Do what your leaders tell you and stop complaining". The much better advice would be, "Spend some in in study and meditation and figure out what is truly going to work best for your life." But a lot of people would use that power deciding that the LDS church is irrelevant to them.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by fh451 »

I'm sure they don't see the irony (and I know I didn't as a TBM) that "free agency" was the alleged purpose of the war in heaven. Now you only have to make one choice: surrender your agency to the church. They may say "God", but for all practical purposes, it's the church. I'm sure you all remember Jesus' response to the pharisees when they asked him what was the greatest commandment, and Jesus said "Be obedient to your church leaders, for such is the first law of heaven." Yup, I'm sure it's in there somewhere...

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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by LSOF »

Quoth the Dalek,

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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by Meilingkie »

fh451 wrote:I'm sure you all remember Jesus' response to the pharisees when they asked him what was the greatest commandment, and Jesus said "Be obedient to your church leaders, for such is the first law of heaven." Yup, I'm sure it's in there somewhere...
Yup, he also said to the rich youngman: Sell everything you have, and give it to my twelve disciples.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by General Nuisance »

Hi FH451. "You said Yup, I'm sure it's in there somewhere..."
What you meant was: "Yup I'm sure it's in there NOWHERE..." Oh the joy of sarcasm.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by oximormon »

I think it really reads:

Obedience is a choice.
Its a choice between our own limited knowledge & power & God's unlimited wisdom & omnipotence.

And by God's unlimited wisdom & omnipotence, we mean the earthly representatives of God,
you know; the prophets and apostles and general authorities of the church!

Obedience.... its the first law of heaven.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by hiding in plain sight »

Obedience is a choice.

I think he got that one correct.

The test of this life is all about the decisions we do and do not make. For mormons who refuse to open their eyes and see what is right in front of them, that is their choice. They can't blame anyone else if it turns out that thy are following lies and deceptions. They have to own where they placed their obedience.

Time is not a TBM's friend. With time, their posterity will know that they refused to think for themselves. That they were lemmings to the sea. That they were willfully blind,when all they had to do was just open their eyes.

But NO. They CHOSE to be led by the nose by those who did not deserve their trust. Yet they gave it anyway.

Obedience is a choice. Open your eyes and see.
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Re: This made me bloody angry

Post by Hagoth »

The image is awesome too. God's light is not filling the universe, but rather the Brethrens' light is flooding outward from Utah into the universe. All hail!
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