I used to post at the old NOM site, but I've really enjoyed reading intros of those whose posts I've been reading for years now, so I thought I'd share my own introduction and testimonkey.
I'm Zack, and that's a pseudonym, so it just doesn't matter how it's misspelled.
Joined the LDS Church when a young adult - intelligent kid (I like to think) who was never instructed in critical thinking.
Served a mission en América del Sur. Didn't go all high-pressure sales, but still baptized lots, to my chagrin now.
Married en el templo.
Biggest challenge is how my disbelief plays in relationship with DW:
It shattered her; I think she's changed significantly more than I have as a result of my conclusions.
I have a man-crush on Daniel Day Lewis - maybe that's why I gave up eternal salvation.
At any rate, I'm glad to be back. Y'all are wonderful and have provided more moral support to me than I think you'll ever know. I hope the word gets out to all that this site is up, and I hope lots of new folks can join us in making this a great community of support.
Hasta luego,
Last edited by Zack Tacorin Dos on Sat May 18, 2019 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nice to see you here. I always appreciate your thoughtful contributions.
Funny, I had assumed that photo was a real one of you. I guess I don't watch enough movies (though now that I look up that actor I have seen him in at least one thing, There Will Be Blood).
A year after that I admitted to self that I no longer believed in theism.
I can relate to this. Admitting to myself that I've reached a conclusion long after I've actually reached it. I think I am still somewhat in willful denial about a few things.
Welcome to 2.0 ! ... and here all this time I thought that was you and your name was Zack! Thanks for sharing your story. I look forward to more of your posts. Always enjoyed your comments on 1.0.
"Every event that has taken place in this universe has led you to this moment.
... The real question is, what will you do with this moment?" - Unknown
"Never arrive @ a point where you know everything - Korihor57
One of my favorite things about the new site is that so many old-timers as well as newer members are sharing their stories in this forum. It adds to my appreciation of your posts when I know more of your back story -- and I always appreciated your thoughtful, insightful comments, Zack.
Glad you're here.
Joy is the emotional expression of the courageous Yes to one's own true being.
Thanks for sharing! I like the bullet point approach (even if there weren't actual bullet points) you used. Very easy to read. Being called as a local apostate is a great calling, and I wish more people would be called to it in my area.
So glad I pointed out that Zack Tacorin is a pseudonym and that the picture is not of me. I use the pseudonym for the sake of my wife and our relationship. I use the picture since it seems to me that a picture, especially of a real person's face, seems to help relate better to the person posting. Can't remember if that idea is corroborated by research or if it's just my personal perception, but it's what I went with. At any rate, it's great to see so many familiar "faces" around here.
Edited to add: I wish I were as good looking as DDW.
Last edited by Zack Tacorin Dos on Sat May 18, 2019 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I love seeing the NOM Alumni assemble here, bit by bit! I'm glad you found the site.
Now I have to get my mind around the idea that even though the picture is not you, it's supposed to help ID you and make us relate to you. You know, the you that isn't really you? Even though my brain thinks it's you?
. Silver Girl is sailing into the future. She is no longer scared.
Silver Girl wrote:Now I have to get my mind around the idea that even though the picture is not you, it's supposed to help ID you and make us relate to you. You know, the you that isn't really you? Even though my brain thinks it's you?
Haha! I think you've captured well, something of how irrational our brains are.
You're the poster formerly known as "Scared" right? I'll probably always associate that picture of Dorothy, who's really Judy Garland, with the online personality known as Silver Girl.
Silver Girl wrote:Now I have to get my mind around the idea that even though the picture is not you, it's supposed to help ID you and make us relate to you. You know, the you that isn't really you? Even though my brain thinks it's you?
Haha! I think you've captured well, something of how irrational our brains are.
You're the poster formerly known as "Scared" right? I'll probably always associate that picture of Dorothy, who's really Judy Garland, with the online personality known as Silver Girl.
Yes - that's me (and I thought of the Dorothy thing when I read your post). I changed my name for this site because I'd grown to dislike my original name (which i created when I was very scared that the church had been a deceptive organization). I took the Red Pill, got over the fear of the learning the truth, and am sailing into the future. I should have picked "Glenda" in the Wizard of Oz - the visual image would sort of fit the name Silver Girl.
. Silver Girl is sailing into the future. She is no longer scared.
Silver Girl wrote:I changed my name for this site because I'd grown to dislike my original name (which i created when I was very scared that the church had been a deceptive organization). I took the Red Pill, got over the fear of the learning the truth, and am sailing into the future. I should have picked "Glenda" in the Wizard of Oz - the visual image would sort of fit the name Silver Girl.
I dealt with a lot of fear because of the Church too, so I can appreciate something of what you went through, For what it's worth, thinking of you associated with Dorothy reminds me of the bravery she/you exercised to get through all she/you had to deal with.