Special Meeting S Idaho

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Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Godislove »

I just learned that our area is having a special meeting in place of church Oct. 29. An apostle and 70 are scheduled to attend. Anyone had any experience with this kind of meeting?
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by dogbite »

I'm guessing it's a safe to be faithful meeting a la Hans Mattson. You are in the heart land of the Remnant movement.
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Corsair »

Sounds interesting. Please let us know what is said at a meeting like that. We encourage you to record it, especially if they tell you not to record it.
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Godislove »

If I can stand to attend, I certainly will. I haven't been active in a year or so but this feels unusual.

There is lots of speculation about pretty much every scenario. Our inactive rate hasn't drastically changed ( I live in the land of Ezra Taft) and our stake was recently realigned.

Several guesses have to do with our SP becoming a 70. Do they do this publicly? Anyone know?

On a side note- I have read NOM for years. I appreciate all the good this board does. Thank you to all you posters and site admin❤️
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by lostinmiddlemormonism »

My guess is this is a Shakespeare meeting...you know...


If something amazing happens you will find out about it. The reality is that it is probably a 'special meeting' to create a buzz and drive up attendance because if they said that it was a meeting with a general authority to encourage people to pay tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple (yawn) then not as many people would come. But because it is a special meeting everyone gossips about what it could possibly be...they get all worked up, believe it is really important to attend and then show up and then find out it is a meeting to encourage them to pat tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple. Just like all the other meetings.

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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Red Ryder »

Yup, just another attempt by Charlie Brown to kick the football before Lucy pulls the ball away.

My hat is at the cleaners but my seer stone says:

Special meeting = not so special meeting.
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Silver Girl »

Godislove wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:09 pm If I can stand to attend, I certainly will. I haven't been active in a year or so but this feels unusual.

There is lots of speculation about pretty much every scenario. Our inactive rate hasn't drastically changed ( I live in the land of Ezra Taft) and our stake was recently realigned.

Several guesses have to do with our SP becoming a 70. Do they do this publicly? Anyone know?

On a side note- I have read NOM for years. I appreciate all the good this board does. Thank you to all you posters and site admin❤️
I doubt seriously they'd announce a new 70 at a special meeting of just a regional group of wards or stakes. Those callings are kept super quiet, and even relatives are not told (like adult children). They might release someone and call new people to the SP, but usually you'd have heard of that.

Here's a guess - some 70 or someone wants to get paid for a trip there, so they set him up with a meeting where he can look important and shake a few hands after giving you all a really boring talk. That's happened where I live, too, and it creates a ton of rumors. Okay, I fibbed. The guy who visited here was in the area to train leaders, not on a vacation, and he make a special guest-star appearance in our stake. But the talk was boring, just the same.
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Nonny »

lostinmiddlemormonism wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:23 pm My guess is this is a Shakespeare meeting...you know...


If something amazing happens you will find out about it. The reality is that it is probably a 'special meeting' to create a buzz and drive up attendance because if they said that it was a meeting with a general authority to encourage people to pay tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple (yawn) then not as many people would come. But because it is a special meeting everyone gossips about what it could possibly be...they get all worked up, believe it is really important to attend and then show up and then find out it is a meeting to encourage them to pat tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple. Just like all the other meetings.

I vote for this one.
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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Random »

dogbite wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:45 pm I'm guessing it's a safe to be faithful meeting a la Hans Mattson. You are in the heart land of the Remnant movement.
This would be my vote as you probably are in or near a large "Remnant" (Restorationist) movement.

Corsair wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:38 pm Sounds interesting. Please let us know what is said at a meeting like that. We encourage you to record it, especially if they tell you not to record it.
I second this. I hope someone records it and shares the recording.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

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Re: Special Meeting S Idaho

Post by Random »

I lived in a stake for several years where the stake president would start a rumor just before each stake conference. It was his way of driving up attendance, and it worked-especially the one where he spread around that an apostle was coming (at that one, he was released and a new stake presidency was put in).
Nonny wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:54 am
lostinmiddlemormonism wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:23 pm My guess is this is a Shakespeare meeting...you know...


If something amazing happens you will find out about it. The reality is that it is probably a 'special meeting' to create a buzz and drive up attendance because if they said that it was a meeting with a general authority to encourage people to pay tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple (yawn) then not as many people would come. But because it is a special meeting everyone gossips about what it could possibly be...they get all worked up, believe it is really important to attend and then show up and then find out it is a meeting to encourage them to pat tithing, read their scriptures, and attend the temple. Just like all the other meetings.

I vote for this one.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

Believe in the God who created us. And the God you created should be abolished.
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