Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

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Luther Heggs
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Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by Luther Heggs »

So glad to see NOM back and hear from some old friends and new ones. I started my faith transition more than 7 years ago and am now an agnostic atheist undercover Mormon. I stay on the rolls for my family, but will hopefully be fully out after my parents (90s) pass. My DW still attends, but in the last few months has mostly abandoned her garments. I attend with her only occasionally, when she needs/wants my support or on a special occasion. Since we live out of the Morcor, we only have to put a mask on when we visit family who all still live there. The ward we recently moved to is a small city ward that almost isn't Mormon (the members are all pretty cafeteria or NOMish) so going usually isn't too great a burden. I hope this is a sufficient intro for now, if needed, I'll repost my long boring story later. Thank you to the new NOM overlords for establishing this place and for putting up with me/us.
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Red Ryder
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Re: Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by Red Ryder »

Welcome back Luther!

Glad you found us again. Can you share some of that garment remover with us?
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Luther Heggs
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Re: Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by Luther Heggs »

Hi RR,

Thanks for the returning welcome nice, to hear from you again (always enjoyed your insights). I wish I had some magic to share regarding my DW taking off the g's, but it was sudden and unexpected. I had given up mine years ago (just keeping a few sets for when I needed to visit the fam in the morcor.) Needless to say we hadn't been to the temple in years (I had always liked it better than she). She had always had a problem with JS and the whole idea of polygamy (she has many stories from her ancestors that are naturally not so uplifting for anyone [let alone a her]). I had pointed out in the past how g's were basically polygamy suits, but trying to "convert" her made her dig in. So we reached an accommodation where I supported her when she needed it (wrt the church) and I stopped being negative. Anyway, recently she said to me, "I've been thinking there is no good reason to wear garments all the time." So she just took them off and really hasn't put them back on. Tender mercies. :)
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Re: Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by AllieOop »

Luther Heggs wrote:So glad to see NOM back and hear from some old friends and new ones. I started my faith transition more than 7 years ago and am now an agnostic atheist undercover Mormon. I stay on the rolls for my family, but will hopefully be fully out after my parents (90s) pass. My DW still attends, but in the last few months has mostly abandoned her garments. I attend with her only occasionally, when she needs/wants my support or on a special occasion. Since we live out of the Morcor, we only have to put a mask on when we visit family who all still live there. The ward we recently moved to is a small city ward that almost isn't Mormon (the members are all pretty cafeteria or NOMish) so going usually isn't too great a burden. I hope this is a sufficient intro for now, if needed, I'll repost my long boring story later. Thank you to the new NOM overlords for establishing this place and for putting up with me/us.
Welcome back! I was happy to see your name again (I LOVE the movie "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" and so do my kids)...and your avatar makes me smile every time I see it :)
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Luther Heggs
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Re: Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by Luther Heggs »

Thanks AllieOop!
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Re: Hi! I'm back (or rather NOM is?)

Post by Hagoth »

So glad to have you back! You don't know how I've been itching to say ATTA BOY LUTHER! (inside joke if you're not familiar with Luther's avatar)
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

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