Cognitive dissonance

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Cognitive dissonance

Post by NOMelgänger »

Things I've noticed:

TBM: "The church is either God's True and Living Church on the face of the earth, or it is a fraud."
ExMo: "It's a fraud."
TBM: "But it does so much good in the world. Stay in the boat!"

TBM: "Don't be ashamed of the truth. Open your mouth."
ExMo: "The church isn't true."
TBM: "You can leave the church, but you can't leave it alone, can you?"
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by RubinHighlander »

And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. There may have been things said or done that were not in harmony with our values, principles, or doctrine.
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by Red Ryder »

Emily Partridge wrote:It was about this time [Feb. 1843] that the principles of Celestial marriage were being taught to a few. I and my sister Eliza received it and were married to br. Joseph about the same time, but neither of us knew about the other at the time, everything was so secret.
Emma: OK Joseph! I choose the partridge sisters (after the fact).
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by blazerb »

Related to Rubin's:

TBM: The prophet will never lead the church astray.
Exmo: Blacks and the temple/priesthood, polygamy, blood atonement, Adam-God, . . .
TBM: Living prophets trump dead prophets.
Exmo: People do not choose to be LGBT as taught by current prophets.
TBM: It will all get worked out someday.
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by Corsair »

blazerb wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:56 am Related to Rubin's:

TBM: The prophet will never lead the church astray.
Exmo: Blacks and the temple/priesthood, polygamy, blood atonement, Adam-God, . . .
TBM: Living prophets trump dead prophets.
Exmo: People do not choose to be LGBT as taught by current prophets.
TBM: It will all get worked out someday.
However, the belief that "It will all get worked out someday" is never an excuse to discard any commandment at all. This is why I end up simply doing what I want according to my own moral judgement and largely never get permission from either leaders or the believers in my life.
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by Dravin »

TBM: You don't have to have blind faith. You can know for yourself.
Exmormon: I prayed and didn't get an answer.
TBM: Well, assume the prophet is right until you get an answer.
Exmormon: I finally got and answer that the prophet is wrong.
TBM: You prayed wrong and are confusing your feelings with revelation. You'll know it's revelation and not feelings when they tell you the prophet is right.

Edit: Not really cognitive dissonance as it is a flawed epistemology but it seems to be in the spirit of the thread.
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by blazerb »

Corsair wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2017 10:41 am However, the belief that "It will all get worked out someday" is never an excuse to discard any commandment at all. This is why I end up simply doing what I want according to my own moral judgement and largely never get permission from either leaders or the believers in my life.
Realizing that my own moral judgement is at least as reliable as that of the church leaders has made my anxiety go way down.
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by Newme »

Bishop: Do you sustain the leaders as prophets ...?
Me: They are leaders but I don't consider them to always act perfectly. They make mistakes which I don't agree with & won't worship them as if they're infallible gods.
Bishop: We don't worship them as infallible gods.
Me: So, you realize they make mistakes.
Bishop: No, they don't make mistakes.
Me: :roll:
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by PalmSprings »

TBM: Isn't the church welfare program great! We do so much to help the poor and needy just like it's taught by Christ in the Bible.
007: Did you hear about Mary? She's homeless and there are 5 other people who are without a home that live in the ward also.
TBM: Ohh I "heard" about Mary. *whispers* The Bishop refused to help her because she's not worthy enough.
007: That doesn't sound very christlike. I thought charity "suffereth long and is kind"
TBM: ???
007: Don't worry, she's being helped by The Salvation Army now.
TBM: How terrible, she's going to be indoctrinated by false teachings!
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Re: Cognitive dissonance

Post by Hagoth »

RubinHighlander wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:17 pm
And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. There may have been things said or done that were not in harmony with our values, principles, or doctrine.
And the never-permitted followup question:
Can you give some examples?
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