Regular rant about my mom

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Regular rant about my mom

Post by crossmyheart »

She called me last night to say she found a folder full of some old school work and mementos. She had to point out that included in the group was a baptismal program from my mission. She read off the details to me of the baptism, that I sang a song, my companion gave a talk. Honestly, I personally cannot even remember the event, or the companion for that matter.

She concluded that she was sending me the program in the mail to remind me that at one point, I had my life together.

I am now in my 40's. I have been married for 20+ years to an amazing husband. I have 2 wonderful, happy children, own a nice house, have nice cars. I have published articles in law enforcement periodicals, I am a respected and an accomplished trainer in my field and hold an upper management position in a major law enforcement agency.

I have TBM siblings who cant seem to keep jobs or homes or cars or even spouses for long, always asking my widowed mom for money. Yet I do not have my life together and my priorities are all wrong.

All I could say was "Gee, thanks Mom". I love and respect her too much to fight about it. But it still hurts.
---rant over----
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Enoch Witty
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Enoch Witty »

I feel you. My mom sent me the really bad "debunking" of the CES letter (the one that doesn't name the actual document or Jeremy) that's been going around this week with advice to "consider my sources!" It's causing me to retrench and not want to visit for Christmas.

Moms like this think they're doing the "right" thing, but they're killing their relationships with their children, slowly but surely. Imagine if I sent it over every time I found something stupid and untrue a past prophet has said. But I don't because... respect. Wish it was mutual.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Red Ryder »

I thought my mom was the only crazy one that does this stuff! A couple of years ago she started sending me copies of my old missionary letters I wrote home. Then pictures from the mission, followed by Ensign articles, general conference talks, EFY propaganda, etc. thank God she stopped at food storage recipes!

I finally disarmed her of my "mission ammo" by taking everything she had saved at her house and boxing it up and bringing it home. Now it sits in a closet in my house. My dad must have sensed my apathy towards my mission momentos and quietly told me he would like it all back if I ever decided I was going to throw it all away. I just looked at him with a confused look and said, why would I ever throw this stuff away? It's priceless!!

Does your mom call and ask you about your underwear too? The last time my mom came to visit, she thought she was being helpful and started a load of laundry. Dark colors on cold. After the clothes were dry, she folded them and decided to put them away. A few days later I noticed I was out of clean underwear and went to check the dryer to see if there was anything clean. It was empty as was the laundry baskets. Hmmm.... Then a thought of inspiration popped into my head to check my sons drawers. Sure enough, my mom assumed my black Hanes boxer briefs were his and neatly folded them and placed them in his dresser drawer.
Enoch Witty wrote: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:16 am Moms like this think they're doing the "right" thing, but they're killing their relationships with their children, slowly but surely. Imagine if I sent it over every time I found something stupid and untrue a past prophet has said. But I don't because... respect. Wish it was mutual.
Killing relationships.... Perfectly describes how I feel towards both of my parents. I hate to say this but I dread every time they call because I feel it's going to be another testimony inquisition and baptismal font water boarding treatment.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Korihor »

I think I've avoided the "remember when" nagging from my Mom mostly by giving her bigger fish to fry. Leaving tokens of my WoW violations makes her focus on more pressing concerns than old mission momentos.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by TestimonyLost »

My Mom is a difficult person and our relationship has had it's shares of ups and downs. I'm in the midst of an e-mail conversation today trying to explain to her that my testimony went poof. I can only imagine I'll have my own crazy stories in the coming days.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic »

In my Moms case she was the apostate one during my mission and I was the one trying to save her. Then she divorced and moved back to Zion and flipped a U-turn back to TBM-hood. Roles reversed. Life is strange.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Dravin »

Korihor wrote: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:21 pm I think I've avoided the "remember when" nagging from my Mom mostly by giving her bigger fish to fry. Leaving tokens of my WoW violations makes her focus on more pressing concerns than old mission momentos.
Good thinking. I can see it now-

Mom: *starts crossing boundaries*
Me: Just a second, this conversation calls for a beer... You were saying?
Mom: *awkward silence*
Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Nonny »

crossmyheart wrote: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:05 am I am now in my 40's. I have been married for 20+ years to an amazing husband. I have 2 wonderful, happy children, own a nice house, have nice cars. I have published articles in law enforcement periodicals, I am a respected and an accomplished trainer in my field and hold an upper management position in a major law enforcement agency.
You sound like a pretty amazing person to me, cross my heart. Don't let your mom's crazy get you down.
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Re: Regular rant about my mom

Post by Emower »

My mother just doesn't talk to me anymore. Probably because each time we do we get into a huge row. I talk to dad once in a while, but I cant talk to mom. Its a mixed bag.
One of the things that infuriates my mother is when I bring up stuff she has said in conversations past. She doesn't want to acknowledge that she said something hurtful or incorrect and she cannot admit that she has changed her mind.
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