One of those ideas is the scripture from 2 Nephi that states, "men [and women] are, that they might have joy".
So what brings joy to your life?
Here is my short list:
1) I love my family and spending time together and making new memories. For whatever reason the older I get the more I enjoy spending time with my kids and now my grand children. Yes. I have grandchildren.

2) Hiking and experiencing the beauty of the world around me. And it is only made better if I am hiking with my newfound apostate friends for some great conversation as well. You know who you are.
3) Learning new things. I love to read. And I especially love to read, now that I don't have to filter what I am reading through the mormon lens. For example, book on science don't have to be reconciled to false religious beliefs. I can't read for reading's sake.
4) Not worrying about wasting my time. I used to worry that I was somehow wasting my time, if I wasn't fully engaged in going to church, reading the scriptures, etc. etc. etc. Now I find great joy in the little things in life. A quick call with a friend. Going for a walk in a nearby bird refuge and taking pictures of eagles and herons, etc. Just sitting on the couch enjoying some trashy tv series with my wife by my side and rubbing her feet. As a mormon, these felt like I was wasting time. As a fully awake human, these now feel like the spice of life.
5) Truly helping those around me. As a TBM I felt that paying tithing and fast offerings was being of service. Now I find opportunities to support financially and in service "real" people. It brings great joy in my life to be of service, even in a small way, to real people in my life as opposed to an anonymous corporation, which may or may not use my money in the way I would want to use it. We will never know what they are doing.
So what brings you joy?