We are newish to the ward (been here a year but didn't start attending regularly until the 1st of the year). We have two teens. We've been inactive for a few years and that spans into 3 states and wards. Husband and I are both done but kids would like to still attend (they don't know our feelings about the church) and over Christmas break asked if we could start going again. I think they miss the traditions and the feeling of community (military family - move often)...so we started going again.
Last month the 2nd counselor extended a calling in YW (Mia Maid Advisor) and I accepted. I thought...well, my daughter is going to YW, I may as well. It's been a month and I haven't taught. I had to call the YW Pres. to get the notebook, I've emailed/texted the counselor over the MM and she's not great at replying and giving me info. I was out of town one weekend and then Stake Conf. was also in there.
Anyways, I've been reading the manual and I'm thinking...um, no. I don't want to teach this. I don't want to DO this.
Should I get in touch with the 2nd counselor and tell him, no...not now. I'm not ready for this. My husband is supportive and he'll go when the kids and I do but he's SUPER moody when we do and it's caused some drama between us. He also does not care for going every Sunday and that also creates some conflict too.
Thoughts? Ideas? Any input! I'm very frustrated with myself for taking the calling