Your points are well taken with me.Vlad the Emailer wrote: ↑Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:42 pm This effing makes me want to use exmormon reddit language. I am so sickened by not only the suggestion, but the allegation that we "critics" are wrong, unenlightened, lazy, etc. when we don't accept such absurdities as this little gem from dear Brother Ash's CES Letter defense:
The absurdity goes on to describe, not other possible explanations, but how THIS explanation could be credible.Let’s suppose, first of all, that the critics are right
—Joseph copied the KJV passages directly from his Bible. How might this have happened?
Here’s one scenario: Joseph Smith is translating the Book of Mormon and comes across passages that were also
recorded in the Bible. Joseph realizes this either on his own, or through inspiration, or from a voice on high. "Hey, I know this p
art" Joseph might have said to Oliver. Hand me the Bible. As he looks over the Biblical verses he says to his scribe: Well, we know that the
Bible is the Word of God, so let’s stick with the way it’s expressed in the scriptures to make sure I get this right.
And the critics are the f***ing problem????
I hate the F word, but I don't know what else expresses the level of anger and near hatred that my mind spews when I come upon crap like this. Not only do jack***es like this insult the intelligence of a flea with such manure, but because TBMs would much rather be comforted that correct, the apologists get away with it!!
Well, alas, I'm so glad to know that our poor little, uneducated, didn't even own a bible at the time (according to other apologist responses), Joe was such a biblical expert that he recognized the Isaiah verses and knew he could skip getting actual direct inspiration from God and just copy from the inferior "as far as it is translated correctly" bible.
Just reinforces my original points above--the truth is smeared so badly, so far, that to even have a conversation about it with a TBM apologist is insulting and maddening. The command: "Thou shalt not lie" meaningless to these people. They twist and nuance things to the point of being unrecognizable.