PART 2: The First Presidency's response to my letter

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PART 2: The First Presidency's response to my letter

Post by NOWmormon »

This is Part 2 (please see Part 1 posted on May 5 for more context)
I sent a letter to the Q15 requesting a written statement of remorse, of regret, for withholding the complete truth regarding Joseph’s plural marriages.
The letter was pushed back to the Stake level.
The Stake President stated that he was the response from the First Presidency.

Here was my response to him:

I understand that this is the instruction you have received and that this is the typical process protocol of the church.

But the underlying message I am hearing is that the Secretary received my communication, followed protocol, provided instruction to you with a form letter and placed it in the completed file without the brethren ever reading it. You can tell me if I am mistaken.

And I'll try to say the following as delicately as possible, and please understand that this is just an example to illustrate my thought process:
Let's say that after 40 years of marriage, your wife hands you a letter that shakes your entire foundation and causes you to rethink your relationship:
She states that she was unfaithful during your entire marriage.
Not only this, but there is no remorse or regret in the letter, just carefully worded phrases that do not demonstrate accountability, but place the blame on you.
How would you feel? What specific words would you use to describe the feelings you have?

...So you decide you want to continue to be faithful to her, because you love her and you have been though so much together.
You respond to her letter, looking for some indication of remorse or regret from her. You need this to help reconfirm in your heart that you are both in this together, and that you will both be faithful moving forward.

But instead of responding to you, she instructs her sister to do it.
...Would this be enough for you?

No. You would want to speak with your wife, since it is she that committed the actions and only she can help heal the hurt and damage.

The sister cannot take your wife’s place.


To move forward, I need to hear from the brethren.
In my mind and in my heart, you cannot take their place regarding this.

Please advise how we should proceed to fulfill the request that was detailed in my original communication to Salt Lake:
A written statement of remorse, of regret, from the First Presidency (or Quorum of the Twelve).

I am not seeking an apology for, or explanation of doctrine.

I am seeking an acknowledgement of the historical culture of concealment perpetuated by the church;
And of withholding the complete truth regarding Joseph’s plural marriages (polygamy, polygyny and polyandry) from me.

Please provide your recommendations so that I may accomplish my goal.


Read the Stake President’s response to me in Part 3 (final), tomorrow
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