Can you please answer this question?
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I attend every week. I received a less intense calling a few months ago. Up until then, I had served in a variety of high commitment callings since my mission and temple marriage way back when. I have one child who questions church doctrine a lot. I have another who is doubling down in faithfulness. My wife is a TBM. She know a little about my concerns about the church, but I need to have a long discussion with her soon.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Somewhat active member. Attend several times a month. Hold TR , RM ( as is my wife ) teach the gospel doctrine class and the 16 year old class occasionally. Former bishop ,temple worker, scoutmaster and HC member. Teach a Book of Mormon class weekly at the state prison to 25 inmates.Unlike most here I believe the foundational narrative but am estranged in large part from the institutional church because of its present teachings and practices.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I'm resigned but my entire extended family are believers. So I come here because the church is very much still in my life, despite being a resigned Mormon.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I'm a current member of record.
Always been the good kid, but I wanted to know more, and to find and test truth.
- Grace2Daisy
- Posts: 98
- Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:01 am
- Location: With the Love of My Life
Re: Can you please answer this question?
BIC, 5th generation Mormon. Did everything in a ward and stake including being on the HC for 14 years and in four bishoprics. My DW hit for the cycle in women's calling, Ward RSP, Ward PP, Ward YWP, and Stake RSP. We walked and although we are both still on the records, have no reason or desire to return.
"What is truth?" retorted Pilate. John 18:38
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I honestly don't know. I may have been excommunicated in absentia, for all I know. I doubt it, but it could be the case.
I moved back home to Minnesota about 4 & 1/2 years ago, haven't made an attempt to contact the church here, and don't intend to do so. So I'm not 100% certain.
I moved back home to Minnesota about 4 & 1/2 years ago, haven't made an attempt to contact the church here, and don't intend to do so. So I'm not 100% certain.
Free will is a golden thread flowing through the matrix of fixed events.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Yes. HP RM BIC . Attend weekly, but would prefer less. DW and much extended family all in.
When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest. -anon
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world. -Max Born
The belief that there is only one truth, and that oneself is in possession of it, is the root of all evil in the world. -Max Born
- TestimonyLost
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:28 pm
- Location: Boise, Idaho, USA
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Member of record. Outwardly active and faithful in every way. Inwardly a heathen apostate.
- Deepthinker
- Posts: 317
- Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:40 pm
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I will let you speak for me, because this is exactly me.MalcolmVillager wrote: ↑Tue May 02, 2017 7:06 pm I am a member, active non-believer. Hold a recommend and calling. Go most weeks. Often because of habit, or because the weather sucks, or to be with family and friends, or because I have pressure to go.
Sometimes I enjoy it. Sometimes it is uplifting. Sometimes I put up with it. Other times it is maddening.
Many here are in the same boat. Some have left on the record and others just emotionally.
I will let others speak for themselves.

- Vlad the Emailer
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:03 pm
- Location: Lower Midwest
Re: Can you please answer this question?
NOWMormon, if you get to the point where you want to expand on this then I can tell you in advance that there are several, like me, that have many in their extended family that are technically members of record, but exmo in every other possible way.
In my immediate family there are six of us and there's only one TBM left. She is active and I am semi-active and the other four have been gone from the church for decades and do not consider themselves Mormon. But none have resigned.
In one set of cousins, one of the four kids is a semi-active non-believer like unto myself and the other three have been completely gone for decades and are very much not Mormon either. A few of these apostate cousins had kids that were baptized at 8. All of the kids are gone with them. From what I understand, none of the these people have resigned.
I could go on, but you get the idea. 15 million my lily white arse!!!
In my immediate family there are six of us and there's only one TBM left. She is active and I am semi-active and the other four have been gone from the church for decades and do not consider themselves Mormon. But none have resigned.
In one set of cousins, one of the four kids is a semi-active non-believer like unto myself and the other three have been completely gone for decades and are very much not Mormon either. A few of these apostate cousins had kids that were baptized at 8. All of the kids are gone with them. From what I understand, none of the these people have resigned.
I could go on, but you get the idea. 15 million my lily white arse!!!
When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest. - Anonymous
Say what you want about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying. - Kurt Vonnegut
Say what you want about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying. - Kurt Vonnegut
- Nowyoutellme
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:14 pm
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Member of record, still attend most weeks (sacrament only), did not renew recommend, stake calling. Sit in the pews every week "pondering" why I still even make the limited effort I do.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
BIC, mission, temple, wife, kids, pay tithing of net minus my cost of living, many callings including ward clerk, EQP, etc. I attend about 2 sundays per month. My kids all hate going, but we force them just like we were forced. I believe very little now as my shelf crashed a few years ago. It started with contemplating Noah and the ark, then saw South Park episode with JS and the magic rock. All downhill from there. I don't even know if I believe in a God anymore. I have no need for religion in my life. Nearly everyone on both sides of family are TBM. Many generations of Mormon going back to JS. I even have an 1879 version of the BOM given to my Great great grandmother when she lived in England. Like MerriMiss, I dream of moving away from everything and starting over without religion. I dream of moving off the grid to Alaska and just living off the land away from all TBMs
Re: Can you please answer this question?
HP RM. Attend weekly. SS Pres. No TR. No tithe. WoW keeping - with plans to cahnge once i have had "the discussion' with the kids planned for the end of summer. DW TBM, i am out to her. Have said that i wont be there on a Sunday if its going to be 19 degrees or over - where i live i might get a few Sundays off this year!
Like the people at church, like singing hymns, like inspirational messages - hate the control and piety.
Like the people at church, like singing hymns, like inspirational messages - hate the control and piety.
At the halfway home. I'm a full-grown man. But I'm not afraid to cry.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Hi new friend!
I currently attend. I have a TR and serve in the RS presidency. I'm still in the "I'm going to make a difference" phase. But that won't last forever, so who knows what the future holds.
The church isn't really a source of spirituality for me. So I hang out with a local Wiccan group sometimes. They are fun and refreshingly different from TBMs.
The great thing about hanging out here on NOM is, unlike in church, we live (or don't live) our Mormonism the way we want too. And we can all support each other in what ever phase of our journey we might be in.
I currently attend. I have a TR and serve in the RS presidency. I'm still in the "I'm going to make a difference" phase. But that won't last forever, so who knows what the future holds.
The church isn't really a source of spirituality for me. So I hang out with a local Wiccan group sometimes. They are fun and refreshingly different from TBMs.

The great thing about hanging out here on NOM is, unlike in church, we live (or don't live) our Mormonism the way we want too. And we can all support each other in what ever phase of our journey we might be in.
...walked eye-deep in hell
believing in old men’s lies...--Ezra Pound
believing in old men’s lies...--Ezra Pound
Re: Can you please answer this question?
I'm still an active member, if by that you mean do I show up to sacrament meeting regularly. I also have a calling which keeps me from attending SS or RS. Darn
I don't VT, pay tithing or have a TR. Dh is TBM so this will be my profile for the foreseeable future.

Re: Can you please answer this question?
This is why I enjoy having people like Asa on NOM. It reminds us that there are people who do their own thinking yet keep essential parts of their faith. It's too easy to stereotype believers in the same way that many believers stereotype nonbelievers (which I just did by dividing people into two groups -asa wrote: ↑Wed May 03, 2017 3:01 pm Somewhat active member. Attend several times a month. Hold TR , RM ( as is my wife ) teach the gospel doctrine class and the 16 year old class occasionally. Former bishop ,temple worker, scoutmaster and HC member. Teach a Book of Mormon class weekly at the state prison to 25 inmates.Unlike most here I believe the foundational narrative but am estranged in large part from the institutional church because of its present teachings and practices.
residue of black-and-white Mormon thinking) Thoughtful belief is probably as challenging in many ways as disaffection. But challenge is good, right?
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Partially active non-believing member of record. I attend most sacrament meetings and some sunday school classes. Never priesthood. I'm a temple recommend holder only because of local leaders who know my non-believer status and are ok with it. I remind them that the recommend question says "do you strive" to addend you meetings. I tell them I strive but fail. I pay no tithing, but then I'm a retired fulltime student. Wouldn't anyway, but they're satisfied that Mrs. Hagoth pays tithing on her part-time income and I support her in that. If she didn't who knows what kind of horrible disasters would be raining down on our heads! My only calling is HT to one family. My visits consist of delivering baked goods and chatting.
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
- PalmSprings
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:23 am
Re: Can you please answer this question?
First off Welcome to NOM! For all intents and purposes I consider myself a former member, although not resigned. Now I'm Catholic with some Buddhist beliefs, same as my Fiancee. She knows about my crazy Mormon past but accepts me as who I am. And doesn't see me as a "priesthood daddy" that she is using to get to the Celestial kingdom.
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Total Non believer but going through the motions !!!!!!!!! Tried to resign several times wife and branch president always intervene . Stuck for now until I am willing to take up the fight and face a possible divorce over leaving the church . Not sure when I will have the guts to go forward !!!
- Can of Worms
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:37 pm
Re: Can you please answer this question?
Still on the books but haven't attended in three years and haven't had a TR in almost 10 yrs. Raised in the church and married RM in the temple. DH is also NOM. DD married a nevermo and is completely inactive as well. My DH family is overwhelmingly TBM and my mom and one sister are TBM. Out of respect for them we are quiet about our views. A relative of mine was very public about their disaffection and we saw how painful that was for loved ones and don't want to put them through that again.
DH and I say we were raised Mormon but don't consider ourselves to be Mormon. We are still on the books because we couldn't be bothered to go thru the steps. I view it like being on a mailing list for a magazine subscription I let lapse.
DH and I say we were raised Mormon but don't consider ourselves to be Mormon. We are still on the books because we couldn't be bothered to go thru the steps. I view it like being on a mailing list for a magazine subscription I let lapse.
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” Winston Churchill