So when someone asks me to "just" have a little bit of faith and doubt my doubts, I think about this is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
Faith is not a perfect knowledge, but it is faith in something that is ultimately true.
I have a lot of faith in things I don't know for certain. But in these things, my faith is continually justified.
For example, I have faith that all of you will drive safely on the road in the morning while I drive to work. Do I know this for a fact? No.
But almost every morning my faith is justified because I arrive safely at work without incident.
But if you were to ask me to touch a hot stove and tell me that if I had enough faith I wouldn't get burned, what would happen? The first time I would get burned. I would think, maybe the problem is me. The second time I would get burned. I would think, maybe I didn't understand what I was told. The third time I get burned, I now "know" that this is not true. That no matter how much "faith" I have I am going to continually get burned. I am now 3 for 3 that this admonition to have faith and I won't get burned is NOT true.
And that is how I feel about the church. I am more than happy to have faith, as long as my faith is justified.
But every time I touch church history I get burned.
Every time I touch prophetic teachings, I get burned.
Every time I try to convince myself the book of mormon is true (i.e., literal) I get burned.
For any mormons visiting this site, please think about this.
Faith is only faith if it is based upon something that is true. Doubting your doubts about not getting burned when touching the stove will only get you burned. Stop touching the stove!