Researchers examine anomalous group

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Researchers examine anomalous group

Post by moksha »

UPPSALA, SWEDEN - Researchers at the University of Uppsala in Sweden have found what they believe to be the oldest continuous culture in the Americas, the people of Utah. Utah started out as the Kingdom of Deseret, but after they became surrounded by the United States of America, they petitioned and were eventually accepted into admittance after they pledged to abandon their unusual marriage system.

Dr. Ungar Belking, the spokesman for this multidisciplinary research group has made many observations involving traditional university disciplines such as anthropology, molecular and cellular biology, philosophy, abnormal psychology and theoretical astrophysics.

They noticed so many differences in studying the people in this area located in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, that they came to the conclusion that this group was far older that any scientists had previously thought possible. For one thing, the books of their native religion predate the European settlements of the Americas by a thousand years.

Outside of the anomalous Salt Lake County area, the patrichondrial genome clusters into a nearly uniform mormocentric haplogroup, making this group genetically distinct.

It is like the philosophy and science of modern civilization had passed it by allowing for unique differentiation to occur within the boundaries of what is colloquially known as "The Jell-O Belt". Through word analysis, it has been found that philosophical constructs such as truth and knowledge have taken on radically different meanings. Many accepted scientific principles are also in dispute by these people.

At first, the researchers were stifled in pinpointing the date the people of this culture diverged from the mainstream. Clearly, the divergence occurred before the Age of Enlightenment. Politically this group appears to have existed before the Magna Carta since it heartily subscribes to the divine right of its rulers. However, when one examines the cosmological beliefs of these people, especially their insistence that they came from a far off star system called Kolob, one has to consider the possibility they may indeed be of extraterrestrial origin.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
-- Moksha
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No Tof
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Re: Researchers examine anomalous group

Post by No Tof »

I think this just shows that if you have the "proper point of view", almost anything can make sense.

With this new evidence in hand I can now feel good about going back to the fold. ;)

Thank you for this clever look at things.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
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