I'm surprised I'm suggesting this, but I've seen you've posted about the WofW and the temple. I'm pretty sure I recognize you from NOM 1.0 and I'm going to respond bearing in mind that information.
You're wife has said freedom or her. You love your wife and, I'm guessing by your recent posts, you're staying in the marriage. This is something for you to consider. I don't think she realizes this, but you're staying in the church for her places upon her a huge karmic debt. This is what I suggest you do and I do not condone your doing this in a punitive manner.
1. Go to the temple. Have her listen to those covenants.
2. Read this post from fMh. Read the long version. You'll see Instructions on how to do it in the post.
http://www.feministmormonhousewives.org ... t-version/
I recommend you not judge it. Just read it and consider that is probably our doctrine.
3. Visit with your bishop. You may want to discuss what is in that essay. Don't say where it's from. Just confirm whether or not that's how he interprets the temple.
4. Visit the bishop with your wife. Discuss how you hold the priesthood and you preside. Set a date to go to the temple again.
5. Go to the temple.
6. Sit her down. Remind her of her covenants. State plainly that returning to church for her places her in your emotional debt. She may see she's in the right, but doing something solely for her places her in your debt and I don't think she can reasonably deny that. Every cup of coffee you don't have, every penny you pay in tithing. Every second you spend involved with the church in any way, places her in your debt. Emotionally and spiritually (because you hold the priesthood and she has covenanted to obey you), she has absolutely zero power. None. If you return to full activity, then she cannot badger you, cajole you, browbeat you, manipulate you. She must only say complimentary things about you to your face and behind your back.
It may be tempting to go overboard with this, but if you do, you swing the pendulum in her favor. You must be kind and you must be fair. If she breaks this arrangement at all. All bets are off and you can resign from the church, that day, with no further grief and recrimination from her. You can do this, because she has placed herself in your debt by p!acing this demand on you.
If she wants you in the church, that means she obeys you.
At 70 years-old, my older self would tell my younger self to use the words, "f*ck off" much more frequently. --Helen Mirren