Moderators, hosting, and other admin

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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by cwald »

Mayan Elephant wrote:Good luck y'all.

I shared a few of my ideas over in the loud angry ditch we were in for a while. Shared some publicly and some privately.

I think this is going to be a good and fun and creative adventure.
Mayan Elephant, I love your avatar.

I'll pick you up after the Oregon State game to go home teaching.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by fh451 »

I am also unable to respond to PMs. So in the interest of being open with everyone, I'll post my thoughts on being a moderator here.

I was a moderator on the old NOM board for quite a few years - more than 5, but I can't remember exactly how many. While I've enjoyed my time on NOM very much, and am glad to contribute to the new board (and am very thankful that someone is picking up the hosting), I feel it might be time to turn it over to a new generation. Just because we've done things a certain way doesn't mean it has to keep going that way, and this is probably a good time to step aside and let those who are most invested do what they feel is right to set the board direction. If that is very similar to the old board, that's great. But I don't want anyone to feel like they have to keep doing it a certain way because of me.

There have been a few times over the last couple of years where I thought it might be time to take a break from NOM and even Mormonism-related topics in general. But I have been able to maintain enough interest to do a nominal (ha ha) job of moderating, but probably not enough to be really enthusiastic. It sounds like there are enough folks willing to do a capable job of moderating the new board, so I really don't mind just dropping by on occasion and letting some new blood carry on with the management from here. Rather than just fade away and be a completely inactive and ineffective moderator, I'd rather just doff my hat here and say "Carry on!"

Thanks - fh451
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by cwald »

Hagoth wrote:
Mayan Elephant wrote:Hey cwald, looks like we got callings in the High Priest Group to unorganize not moving people after our home teaching isn't done.

That's perfect.
ME, what kind of ransom does Cwald have to pay to get his face back?
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Hagoth »

fh451 wrote:But I have been able to maintain enough interest to do a nominal (ha ha) job of moderating, but probably not enough to be really enthusiastic.
That's probably why you did such a good job. Thanks for your service, fh451. I hope you'll stick around all the same.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Zadok »

I am all in favor of moderators, and agree that every forum needs some kind of control. On the other hand, I am not over how I was summarily kicked off the old NOM, while at the same time the moderators were LYING about why I was gone to the rest of the users.

I think, therefore, I would be opposed to any of the old crew becoming moderators here. (Just saying).
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by fh451 »

Zadok wrote:I am all in favor of moderators, and agree that every forum needs some kind of control. On the other hand, I am not over how I was summarily kicked off the old NOM, while at the same time the moderators were LYING about why I was gone to the rest of the users.

I think, therefore, I would be opposed to any of the old crew becoming moderators here. (Just saying).
And I think this is a perfectly legitimate reason to have a new moderation team - any of these situations from the old board can be left on the old board and the new moderators can have a fresh start.

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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by crazyhamster »

fh451 wrote:
Zadok wrote:I am all in favor of moderators, and agree that every forum needs some kind of control. On the other hand, I am not over how I was summarily kicked off the old NOM, while at the same time the moderators were LYING about why I was gone to the rest of the users.

I think, therefore, I would be opposed to any of the old crew becoming moderators here. (Just saying).
And I think this is a perfectly legitimate reason to have a new moderation team - any of these situations from the old board can be left on the old board and the new moderators can have a fresh start.

Agreed. I was only a mod for a very short time on the old board and probably not enough to make an impression. But currently I believe it would really be of benefit to have fresh blood. I don't really have the time now (or the inclination, really) to go through every thread, so if I have anything to offer it would probably be best on the technical side.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Alas2.0 »

Well, I guess I know how Zadok feels getting locked out and not knowing why.

So, for now I am 2.0, second version of alas.

Anyway, about moderating, I am fine with whatever people decide. My DH has wanted me out of moderating for a long time and before it dropped to only fh451 and I moderating, I asked to be released as a moderator because it was more frustrating than anything else. So, I would be happy to be released. Too long in that calling, and y'all know how after five years in the nursery you could strangle the parents who leave the kid with the diaper....cause ya know, sometimes moderating stinks. I am fine with a whole new set, or I will stick around to help out the new moderators, whatever. Or I will be a moderator advisor: in as a moderator but strictly as an advissor and not do any actual moderating.

And about alas1.0 being locked out, I didn't forget my password, but it quit working and I am getting no emails on that account. I sent an email and checked that I forgot my password, and Moksha mentioned that I posted on MD about being locked out. Well, I didn't THINK I got banned, what with no moderators and all.

I got the email in junk mail on my gmail account and never got anything on my account. So, I don't seem to be getting anything on my msn account. And what happened that my password stopped working? Someone hacked my account?
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Red Ryder »

Alas, I'll get Captn Salty to look under the hood and see what's preventing your login from working.

Fh451, thanks for your thoughts on moderating.

Emeritus status comes with free coffee for life but requires you to drive the hotel circuit like Kish does.

Thanks everyone for the patience while we work out the kinks of our new home here. I'm pleasantly surprised at the response and amazed how many have found there way here.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by AllieOop »

I think the important thing is to accept whoever the moderators are, if we choose to participate on this board. I love that it's back and I love that so many have found their way here!

I was one who voiced support for at least one of the "old" moderators to continue (just so we could benefit from their experience). I always enjoyed reading alas's posts and same with fh145 and felt they were always fair and even handed. I have no idea what really happened with Zadok leaving, but I knew that I missed him, his wisdom and his humor once he was gone.

I hope they all stick around and continue participating.

I'm just excited to see this new board up and going as I know it serves a purpose and answers a need for many :)
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Korihor »

Allow myself to nominate... myself.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Zadok »

To be clear, my beef wasn't that I was kicked off the board. Any forum is the private and personal property of the owners, and I recognize that I am a guest there and my access may be terminated at any time. That wasn't the problem. The problem is that once I was gone, the reasons given were... "Zadok is taking a break!" (I wasn't, I was kicked off). "He decided he needed a break." (I decided no such thing, one day I had an account, and the next day it was suspended, without notice or appeal). "It's up to him, when he wants to return." (Never was up to me... Was up to Thayne and the other Moderators.)

One of the things that has upset me so much about my membership in the church is the discovery of the depth, and knowing deception on the part of leadership. As is so often the case, especially in politics, it isn't the deed, but the cover-up that is the most offensive. As NOM's we should treat ourselves better than the church has treated us, not the same or worse. I think we want moderators who understand this, rather than accept the past behavior of NOM-1 as good and acceptable.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by moksha »

It was expressed to me to quit asking to have Zadok reinstated. I think the mods were taking a cue from a soda pop bottle falling out of a giant flying bird that made a humming noise. Glad they did not apply that cue to penguins.

I think it would be nice for not all mods to think alike. That way they could talk each other down from the ledge.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Alas2.0 »

Deleted, as it was stuff from the old board.
Last edited by Alas2.0 on Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Alas2.0 »

Oh, and administrators, I would like to get my official account back, but I am really busy right now with moving houses. We are almost out of the old house. So, no time to mess with it now. I can keep alas2.0 for a few more days. Or send a new password for alas to alas2.0's email.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Red Ryder »

Alas, I'll see if I can get Captain Salty to reset it.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by CaptainSalty »

Alas2.0 wrote:Oh, and administrators, I would like to get my official account back, but I am really busy right now with moving houses. We are almost out of the old house. So, no time to mess with it now. I can keep alas2.0 for a few more days. Or send a new password for alas to alas2.0's email.
The password for the "alas" account was reset and the new password was sent to Alas2.0. Let me know if you have any problems with your account.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Mayan Elephant »


This is exactly why I prefer you do not moderate again.

Process matters. It matters a lot. A ton. It matters more than whether Smith had 33 or 133 wives. Every time you come in these conversations and express your inability to allow a process to continue or proceed, I cringe.

The conversation about the old Nom, including the shitty moderating, doesn't end when you say it should end. It ends when people choose to stop talking about it and have expressed their ideas, concerns and experiences.

Jesus. Just let people talk without bringing a guillotine to every conversation you dislike or in which you lack interest. Your experiences are relevant, your stop signs are annoying.
NOW, CAN WE STOP DISECTING THE OLD NOM? I just don't think anything good can come out of it. I still have bad feelings about the time and I just do not like rehashing it all.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Red Ryder »

How much longer do we need to pick at the scab of moderation at the old board? In case you guys forget, it's gone. It's probably not going to be coming back. I'm perfectly fine with anyone that wants to keep complaining about it, but we must ask ourselves "what can we do about it?"

Hop in the hot tub time machine? Throw tomatoes at the old mods? Bitch about Thayne pulling the plug? Rail against Elder Bednar falling asleep in Elder Gong's lame presentations about pickling? Blast each other for eating tacos too loud? Why can't we all agree that mistakes happened and not everyone agrees/disagrees with each other?

On that note, we've taken comments and suggestions into consideration and have chosen a team of moderators.

The first level of moderation is the 170+ people who have signed up. Yes, that's you! Be respectful, be kind, and ask yourself "what would Jesus post if he had internet access?"

The second level of moderation (if needed) will be a group effort from the new moderating team. This team of highly respected internet strangers, tapir riders, and all around wonderful people include:


They have been thoroughly vetted by the Disaffected Mormon Background Inspection Unit and are relieved that the black vans outside their homes have left the neighborhood. In order to complete the due diligence process, we have prayed about it and received the confirmation of the Holy Ghost, Xenu, and Captain Picard. We are anxiously awaiting response from Pamela Anderson but won't reveal who has been praying to her.

Finally, Corsair and I have decided not to be moderators as we both believe it's in our best interest to allow the new NOM to run independently of our self interests.

We will update everyone when we hear from Pam.
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Re: Moderators, hosting, and other admin

Post by Alas2.0 »

Mayan Elephant wrote:Alas,

This is exactly why I prefer you do not moderate again.

Process matters. It matters a lot. A ton. It matters more than whether Smith had 33 or 133 wives. Every time you come in these conversations and express your inability to allow a process to continue or proceed, I cringe.

The conversation about the old Nom, including the shitty moderating, doesn't end when you say it should end. It ends when people choose to stop talking about it and have expressed their ideas, concerns and experiences.

Jesus. Just let people talk without bringing a guillotine to every conversation you dislike or in which you lack interest. Your experiences are relevant, your stop signs are annoying.
NOW, CAN WE STOP DISECTING THE OLD NOM? I just don't think anything good can come out of it. I still have bad feelings about the time and I just do not like rehashing it all.
It isn't that I want to "stop the process". It is that I want the new NOM to not carry over old grudges. There is one kind of universal rule for running websites and that is you don't bring garbage from one website onto another. This is a different website and I feel it may be damaging to it to constantly be bringing up crap from the other website. We can take what we learned from the old website, and apply it here. But I just don't see the "who did what and why" as helpful.

So, what I learned from the old website where I moderated and other websites I have participated on.

1. Never have sole ownership, because it tends to become a dictatorship. Power corrupts and absolute power....
2. Allow a certain level of evolution.
3. It isn't a competition, (This one was learned on a different discussion board) but it applies to NOM.
4. Give people a second and third chance.
5. Rotate moderators, so no one burns out on it. And for the individual mod, If you feel like resigning as a moderator, do it. You probably have hit burnout.
6. If you don't stand up to jerks, they continue to be jerks.
7. Never go against your conscience to protect someone else.
8. If you can't respect the group, find yourself a different group, don't try to change the group. From a moderating standpoint, never never choose as moderator someone who wants to change the group.
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