Let's start a list of products:
1. The tie flask.
2. Scripture case flask.
3. Temple envelope flask.
4. The temple hat/veil headphones.
5. Foot massaging temple slippers.
6. Google glasses to watch movies.
7. Translation device that converts sacrament meeting talks into Mormon Expression podcasts.
8. Vibrating garment bottoms?
9. Inflatable seat cushions built into pants/dress.
10. Coffee IV drip with slow roast settings.
11. Wireless volume control. To turn down the loudest speakers? Or all of them!
12. Scripture case toaster to toast the sacrament bread.
13. Refrigerated scripture case for mini bar.
14. Laser light pointers with HF/Jesus silhouette.
15. Ventriloquist microphone with angry god voice.
What else?