So, I told my friend in excitement and he said something along the lines of:
*Sigh*I guess I have a hard time with your church, our church doesn't need to do things like that.
I explained that when the conference center organ was made, they rushed the completion so it would be ready for the AGO regional convention, where the dedicatory concert was held. I also said that our local church (the one with a pipe organ) featured a concert by Frank Asper and the organ itself was dedicated by Gordon Hinckley. He said he didn't believe it.
So, I went home, grabbed my book on the history of our stake, and scanned the picture of Frank Asper sitting at the console on the local stake center and sent it to him with our then stake organist and Gordon Hinckley.
I got a message back that said,
Ummm.....I wasn't trying to prove it false?Why are you trying so hard to prove me wrong? The church is still true no matter what.
In fact, I think it is rather cool that the local stake has hosted more organ recitals from big names in recent years than any of the other churches in the area. The local leadership likes showing off their organ, and while it isn't the best organ, it is a decent instrument and they have increased interest in organ music in the area. I've worked with them on several occasions as the dean of the local AGO chapter to bring in names and split the cost of organist fees for concerts.
Apparently, I hit a nerve. It was a good reminder that a lot of people have a strange relationship with the institutional church that can prove quite shaky. It is different for everyone. Having an institution that is "true" is tricky business, I guess.