https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comme ... criptures/
Copyright does not last forever (efforts of the Disney corporation notwithstanding). The Salt Lake City branch of the LDS church cannot, and does not, stop Community of Christ from publishing and using their printed and maintained versions of the Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants. The CoC has continued adding sections to the D&C which certainly makes it look as if it was led by a prophet that produces scripture...
Nothing is being used that is copyrighted by the LDS Corporation. The people who felt inspired to do this went into as many of Joseph's writings as they could find. The 1840 Book of Mormon was used because it was the last update before Joseph died (the idea, diametrically opposed to the LDS view, being that there were errors in the first copy because Joseph hadn't looked at it before it went to print. In essence, they were amateurs when it came to writing and publishing books). The D&C is also different.
Right. The original copyright on the Book of Mormon ran out long ago. The LDS Church only owns their version of it (headings, footnotes, additions and subtractions that they have made).
Even though he supports this effort, gave permission for some of his visions and such to be put in when permission was asked, and brought the two groups together* these are not Denver's scriptures. There is a website where we can give input. We have until early July to suggest changes, additions, deletions which, Denver said, would be on the website for everyone to look at and decide upon.